


2021年03月03日 | 爺英語
Coronavirus vaccinations are now underway in Japan. About 40,000 healthcare workers will receive the jab in the first phase of the rollout.
This hospital in Tokyo is one of the 100 facilities nationwide that started administering the shot on Wednesday to doctors, nurses, and other staff who give their consent.
The Japanese government will analyze data from the first 20,000 recipients to assess the vaccine's efficacy and to check for side effects.
The initial round of inoculations will eventually be expanded to about 3.7 million medical workers. Officials say they hope to start administering the shot to the general public as soon as they can.
Municipalities across the country have been asked to draw up plans to vaccinate about 36 million people aged 65 or older starting in April.
The government says it will determine how many doses each prefecture will receive in the coming days.

 jab 注射 A jab is an injection of something into your blood to prevent illness.
rollout (キャンペーンなどの)開始、(新商品・サービスの)初公開、発売 the introduction of a new product
administer 投与する If a doctor or a nurse administers a drug, they give it to a patient.
recipient 注射を受けた人 The recipient of something is the person who receives it.
inoculation 予防接種  the injection of a disease agent into an animal or plant, usually to cause a mild form of the disease and build up immunity to it
Municipality 地方自治体In Britain, a municipality is a city or town which is governed by its own locally-appointed officials. You can also refer to a city's or town's local government as a municipality. 
draw up (計画などを)立案する、策定するto prepare a draft of (a legal document)

Daily Vocabulary(2021/03/03)

2021年03月03日 | Daily Vocabulary
26786.awesome(荘厳な、畏敬の念に満ちた、うやうやしい、印象的な、すばらしい)An awesome person or thing is very impressive and often frightening.
What an awesome concert that was! 
26787.sluggish(動きののろい、ゆるやかな、機能の鈍い、不活発な、不振な、不景気な、怠ける、怠惰な)You can describe something as sluggish if it moves, works, or reacts much slower than you would like or is normal. 
I've been feeling sluggish all weak. 
26788.stiff(固い、凝っているSomething that is stiff is firm or does not bend easily. 
My shoulder felt stiff after long fight.. 
26789.centennial(100周年)relating to, lasting for, or completing a period of 100 years 
Our high school celebrated its centennial last year
Applause is the noise made by a group of people clapping their hands to show approval. 
Did you hear the warm applause you got at the end?

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