

Daily Vocabulary(2021/03/07)

2021年03月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
26806.vein(静脈)Your veins are the thin tubes in your body through which your blood flows towards your heart.Compare artery. 
The nurse tried to get a vein to appear.
26807.tissue(体の組織)In animals and plants, tissue consists of cells that are similar to each other in appearance and that have the same function. 
It is said that iPS cells can be turned into any kind of tissue
26808.kidney(腎臓)Your kidneys are the organs in your body that take waste matter from your blood and send it out of your body as urine. 
Kidney diseases is one of the most common diseases in cats. 
26809.skeleton(骨格、骸骨)Your skeleton is the framework of bones in your body. 
I saw a skeleton walking down the street on Halloween. 
26810.rib(肋骨、あばら骨) Your ribs are the 12 pairs of curved bones that surround your chest. 
I fell of the roof and broke a rib.

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