

こんな日もあるさ 23のコラム・ノンフィクション

2021年03月20日 | 読書日記

上原 隆作品。


Daily Vocabulary(2021/03/20)

2021年03月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
26871.make it happen(実現する)
I’ll definitely make it happen.
26872.renew(更新する、(…の)期間を延長する、新しいのと取り替える)When you renew something such as a licence or a contract, you extend the period of time for which it is valid. 
Does it renew automatically. 
26873.futuristic(未来派の、未来派的な、奇抜な)Something that is futuristic looks or seems very modern and unusual, like something from the future. 
What can this futuristic sofa do?
26874.addictive(やみつきになる)If a drug is addictive, people who take it cannot stop taking it./ Something that is addictive is so enjoyable that it makes you want to do it or have it a lot. 
I stayed up all night playing a really addictive video game.
26875.examination(検査、診察) If you have a medical examination, a doctor looks at your body, feels it, or does simple tests in order to check how healthy you are. 
The doctor took a lots of notes during the examination

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