


2021年03月17日 | 爺英語

New York has started allowing limited fan attendance at professional sporting events. Spectators had been banned from the events for about a year due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Following Governor Andrew Cuomo's green light to open stadiums and arenas to fans, two teams of the National Basketball Association based in the city played before a live crowd in their home arenas on Tuesday.
(Ryosuke Oshimizu / NHK WORLD)
"No more need for cardboard cutouts or fake noise, as today is the reopening of Barclays Center, along with other entertainment venues in New York City. Ten-percent capacity will now be allowed back for the first time in nearly a year."
In the Barclays Center, several hundred fans came to watch the red-hot Brooklyn Nets take on the Sacramento Kings.
Attendees have to have their temperatures taken and present negative COVID-19 PCR tests no older than 72 hours. They are also required to maintain social distancing.

spectator  観客、見物人   A spectator is someone who watches something, especially a sporting event.
venue   開催地  The venue for an event or activity is the place where it will happen.
for the first time in nearly a year 1年ぶりに
red-hot 勢いに乗った、波に乗ったRed-hot is used to describe a person or thing that is very popular, especially someone who is very good at what they do or something that is new and exciting.
take on  ~に立ち向かう、~を相手に戦う If you take someone on, you fight them or compete against them, especially when they are bigger or more powerful than you are. 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/03/17)

2021年03月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
26856.good call(名案 / 正しい判断)
Good call. We can give away a free gift to the first 50 people that sign up. 
26857.speak your mind.(本音を言う,はっきり言う)
I never know what he's thinking because he never speaks his mind
26858.ridiculous(馬鹿げた・おかしな) If you say that something or someone is ridiculous, you mean that they are very foolish.  
Are you out of your mind? You're being ridiculous
26859.It comes with the territory.(これも仕事のうち)
I have to go on business trips twice a month. It comes with the territory. 
26860.show someone a good time((人に)楽しい思いをさせる)
Thanks for showing me an amazing time. It was an unforgettable experience. 

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