「ひまわりI girasoli」サウンド・トラック
26846.in a row(連続して)If something happens several times in a row, it happens that number of times without a break. If something happens several days in a row, it happens on each of those days.
I went to the gym three days in a row.
26847.a solid(少なくとも)
We were walking for a solid 30 minutes in this heat. We were drenched with sweat.
26848.twirl(くるくる回す)If you twirl something or if it twirls, it turns around and around with a smooth, fairly fast movement.
She tends to twirl her hair when she’s nervous
26849.stun(呆然とさせる、仰天させる)If you twirl something or if it twirls, it turns around and around with a smooth, fairly fast movement.
Her beauty stunned my brother.
26850.get back to(~に戻る) If you get back to an activity, you start doing it again after you have stopped doing it.
Getting back to what we were talking about, where should we travel to this summer?
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
I went to the gym three days in a row.
26847.a solid(少なくとも)
We were walking for a solid 30 minutes in this heat. We were drenched with sweat.
26848.twirl(くるくる回す)If you twirl something or if it twirls, it turns around and around with a smooth, fairly fast movement.
She tends to twirl her hair when she’s nervous
26849.stun(呆然とさせる、仰天させる)If you twirl something or if it twirls, it turns around and around with a smooth, fairly fast movement.
Her beauty stunned my brother.
26850.get back to(~に戻る) If you get back to an activity, you start doing it again after you have stopped doing it.
Getting back to what we were talking about, where should we travel to this summer?
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News