

Daily Vocabulary(2021/03/04)

2021年03月04日 | Daily Vocabulary
26791.give it one's best shot(最善を尽くす)
I know you must be really disappointed, but you gave it your best shot.
26792.learning experience(人生経験、学習)
Don't let it get you down. Treat it as a learning experience. 
26793.way to go(良くやった、その調子で) You can say 'Way to go' to show that you are pleased or impressed by something someone has done. 
You won the speech contest? Wow, way to go,Maki. 
26794.rating(評価)A rating of something is a score or measurement of how good or popular it is. 
I only get a one-star rating on my web page.
26795.tremendously(猛烈に、途方もなく、すごく)You use tremendous to emphasize how strong a feeling or quality is, or how large an amount is 
Your pronunciation has improved tremendously?

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