

Daily Vocabulary(2021/03/18)

2021年03月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
26861.hand out(配る)If you hand things out to people, you give one or more to each person in a group. 
Tom helped me hand out the party poppers to everyone. .
26862.to put it mildly(控えめに言っても)to state it with or as if with restraint 
To put it mildly, it's the worst Chinese food I've ever had.  
26863.runny(柔らかすぎる、流れやすい、粘液を分泌する)Something that is runny is more liquid than usual or than was intended. 
He said I didn't listen well and that his eggs were too runny.  
26864.regardless of(…に関係なく、…にかかわらず)If something happens regardless of something else, it is not affected or influenced at all by that other thing. 
It affects people regardless of their gender, age, ethnicity or sexual orientation. 
26865.snobbish(俗物の、上流気取りの) If you describe someone as snobbish, you disapprove of them because they are too proud of their social status, intelligence, or taste. 
I know some people think I'm snobbish.

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