


2021年03月24日 | 爺英語

Pineapple growers and exporters in Taiwan are moving to step up shipments to Japan. They are looking to make up some of the shortfall after China halted their imports.
A group of over 20 Taiwanese companies is appealing to buyers at one of Asia's largest food trade shows, located near Tokyo.
Chinese authorities on March 1 suspended imports of pineapples from Taiwan, claiming pests had been found.
But Taiwanese officials say none have been detected since undertaking more stringent measures last October.
More than 90 percent of Taiwan's pineapple exports go to China. Officials say the efforts to land more customers in Japan are proving successful.
(Hsieh Chang-ting / Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan)
"Many Japanese companies have been placing orders for pineapples to help Taiwan. We are very grateful to have their business."
Taiwanese authorities expect pineapple shipments to Japan this year to more than double from last year.

shortfall  不足(分・量・額)    If there is a shortfall in something, there is less of it than you need.
halt    止める、停止する   When a person or a vehicle halts or when something halts them, they stop moving in the direction they were going and stand still.
claim  主張する、言い張る If you say that someone claims that something is true, you mean they say that it is true but you are not sure whether or not they are telling the truth.
detect  見つける、発見する、検出する To detect something means to find it or discover that it is present somewhere by using equipment or making an investigation. 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/03/24)

2021年03月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
26891.have good and bad point(長所と短所がある)
I have to say it have its goon and bad point.
26892.speak for(代表する、代弁する)to speak as a representative of 
I can't speak for everyone, but I like it better than old one. 
26893.hack(〈コンピューターシステム・データなどに〉不法に侵入し改変[盗用]する)If someone hacks or hacks into a phone or computer system, they break into it, especially in order to get secret information. 
As I understand our computer network has been  hacked
26894.come along(進む、捗る)If something is coming along, it is developing or making progress. 
How is your writing come along, Takuma?
26895.up to a point(ある程度は)  If you say that something is true up to a point, you mean that it is partly but not completely true. 
You're right up to a point but there's another issue.

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