

Daily Vocabulary(2021/03/08)

2021年03月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
26811.care about(かまう)
A great man doesn't care about his appearance. 
26812.prioritize((…を)優先させる、(…に)優先権を与える)If you prioritize something, you treat it as more important than other things. 
The government is prioritising the service sector, rather than investing in industry and production. 
26813.productive(生産力を有する、製造力のある、生産的な)Something that is productive of a situation or feeling creates it. 
People need to productive
26814.distract(散らす、そらす、転ずる)If something distracts you or your attention from something, it takes your attention away from it. 
It's distracting to hear other people talking 
26815.uncomfortable(気まずい)If you are uncomfortable, you are slightly worried or embarrassed, and not relaxed and confident.
It's uncomfortable to sit quietly with my friends.

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