

Daily Vocabulary(2021/11/11)

2021年11月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
27741.dropper(スポイド) a short glass tube with a hollow rubber part at one end, that you use to measure liquid one drop at a time
With your dropper , draw up some food coloring. 
27742.tweezers(ピンセット)a small tool that has two narrow pieces of metal joined at one end, used to pull or move very small objects
I need tweezers to pull this hair out 
27743.dissect(切り裂く、解剖する)  to cut up the body of a dead animal or person in order to study it
Have you ever dissected a frog in science class? 
27744.sink(流し、洗面台)a large open container that you fill with water and use for washing yourself, washing dishes etc → basin 
Can you take your dishes to this sink?
27745.faucet(蛇口)the thing that you turn on and off to control the flow of water from a pipe 類義語 tap British English
I accidentally left the faucet running. 

