It is lack of confident that makes Tom continually try to ingratiate himself with the brass.
1647.move in for the kill(とどめを刺すために近寄って来る)
I dropped my guard.Behind me,his partner moved in for the kill.
1648.stay on one's toes(気を抜かずに~する)
If you stay on your toes and travel with some common sense,the world is your playground.
The top brass in our company has decided to hire an outsider to run this department.
The children dangled their legs in the river.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

It is lack of confident that makes Tom continually try to ingratiate himself with the brass.
1647.move in for the kill(とどめを刺すために近寄って来る)
I dropped my guard.Behind me,his partner moved in for the kill.
1648.stay on one's toes(気を抜かずに~する)
If you stay on your toes and travel with some common sense,the world is your playground.
The top brass in our company has decided to hire an outsider to run this department.
The children dangled their legs in the river.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News