

徒然草 第四段

2019年07月23日 | Daily Vocabulary




Daily Vocabulary(2019/07/23)

2019年07月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
23776.hyper (非常に・異常にハイテンション  )extremely excited or nervous about something 
Why are you so hyper?
23777.excited (良い出来事にワクワクしてハイテンション ) happy, interested, or hopeful because something good has happened or will happen 
You seem more excited than usual. What's the occasion?
23778.pumped up (良い出来事にワクワクしてハイテンション  )very excited about something 
I don't mind you getting pumped up but don't get carried away.
23779.I wonder if (〜かどうか気になる )
I wonder if he made it safely.
23780.That _____ bothers me. (〜が腑に落ちない・〜が引っかかる )
That painting bothers me a little. .

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Daily Vocabulary(2019/07/22)

2019年07月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
23771.hum(ブンブンいう、鼻歌を歌う、ハミングで歌う ) to sing a tune by making a continuous sound with your lips closed 
The fridge is humming louder than it used to
23772.click(カチッという音、吸気音、掣子(とめ)、つめ )to make a short hard sound, or make something produce this sound 
I heard her high heels click as she walked in.
23773.hiss(シューッという音を立てる  )to say something in a loud whispe
My cat always hisses at my friends when they comes to my house..
23774.pat((手のひらなどで)(…を)軽くたたく、なでる )to lightly touch someone or something several times with your hand flat, especially to give comfort 
He patted my shoulder as we said goodbye..
23775.poke((指・腕・棒などで)(…を)突く、つっつく) to quickly push your finger or some other pointed object into something or someone 
I  poked him in the back because he began to nod off.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2019/07/21)

2019年07月21日 | Daily Vocabulary


23766.everyday(毎日の ) ordinary, usual, or happening every day
Can you teach me some everyday phrase?
23767.crosswalk(横断歩道) American English a specially marked place for people to walk across a street SYN pedestrian crossing British English
Don't cross the street here. Use the crossroad.
23768.sidewalk(歩道 )a hard surface or path at the side of a street for people to walk on SYN pavement British English
It is illegal to ride bikes on the sidewalk in this city..
23769.dead end(行き止まりの、進歩の見込みのない、行き詰まった、どん底生活の ) a street with no way out at one end
This street comes to a dead end.
23770.snap(パチンと鳴らす、パンと撃つ、パタッと閉める )to break with a sudden sharp noise, or to make something do this
I accidentaly snapped a branch on the cherry tree.
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2019年07月20日 | 読書日記




Daily Vocabulary(2019/07/20)

2019年07月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
23761.lively(賑やかな、元気な ) someone who is talkative talks a lot OPP quiet 
Your family is always livery.
23762.still(ジッとした、静かな)in a way that improves the situation 
After a few minutes of chaos, everything went still.
23763.excess (余分、過剰 ) a larger amount of something than is allowed or needed 
The dog has an excess of energy
23764.recess(休憩)American English a short period of time between lessons at a school when children can go outdoors and play SYN break 
We usually take an hour's recess for lunch.
23765.dictate(書き取らせる、口述する )to say words for someone else to write down 
I'd like to dictate my message

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Daily Vocabulary(2019/07/19)

2019年07月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
23756.bulb(球根)  a root shaped like a ball that grows into a flower or plant 
Slice off the top ant the bottom of the lily bulb
23757.rust(さび) the reddish-brown substance that forms on iron or steel when it gets wet → rusty 
I painted the street chair to protect it from rust.
23758.filthy(不潔な、よごれた、汚い、みだらな、下品な、卑猥(ひわい)な、ひどい、くさるほどあって  ) very dirty 
His teddy bear is filthy because he dragged through the mud
23759.verify(正しいことを確かめる、確かめる、実証する)  to discover whether something is correct or true 
You must verify information found online.
23760.identify(実行する正体を特定ㇽする、見分ける) to recognize and correctly name someone or something 
The dog identified the criminal by his scent.

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Daily Vocabulary(2019/07/18)

2019年07月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
23756.scared of (~をこわがって )
Are you scared of zombies, Tom?
someone who is immune to a particular disease cannot catch it
The treatment strengthens the immune system. 
23758.hiding (隠すこと、隠蔽(いんぺい)、隠れること、隠れ場所  )
There is someone hiding in the books.
23759.demanding (多くを要求する、過酷な、きつい )
 needing a lot of ability, effort, or skill
The program was so demanding that many students withdrew. 
23760.ruin(〈…を〉破滅させる,荒廃させる,台なしにする,めちゃめちゃにする ) to spoil or destroy something completely 
Be careful if you don't want ruin your chances of promotion.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2019年07月17日 | 爺英語
The Japanese government says it will tighten restrictions on exports of high-tech materials to South Korea. Relations between the two countries have worsened since late last year over a wartime labor issue.
The Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry says the tougher rules will apply to three materials used in high-tech products. They include high-purity hydrogen fluoride for production of semiconductors, and materials used in making smartphones.
Starting on Thursday, Japanese exporters will be required to apply for permission for each shipment of the materials to South Korea. Japanese firms have large market shares of the products.
South Korea has reacted sharply. Seoul's trade and industry minister said Japan's move is economic retaliation for South Korean court rulings. The rulings ordered Japanese companies to compensate laborers who say they were forced to work for the companies during World War II.
hydrogen 水素  a colourless gas that is the lightest of all gases, forms water when it combines with oxygen, and is used to produce ammonia and other chemicals. It is a chemical element: symbol H 
fluoride.フッ化物  a chemical which is believed to help protect teeth against decay
retaliation  報復 action against someone who has done something bad to you → revenge 
ruling 判決an official decision, especially one made by a court
compensate 補償する to replace or balance the effect of something bad

Daily Vocabulary(2019/07/17)

2019年07月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
23751. mess (混乱、めちゃくちゃ、ちらかっていること、雑然としたもの、(外 見・考えなど)乱れている人、めんどう、困惑、窮地、(こぼしたりした)汚いもの、(特に犬・猫の)糞(ふん))if there is a mess somewhere or a place is a mess, things there are dirty or not neatly arranged.  a situation in which there are a lot of problems and difficulties, especially as a result of mistakes or carelessness
You should leave her alone for a while. She's a mess right now.
23752.mixed up(ぐちゃぐちゃ / ごちゃ混ぜ )confused, for example because you have too many different details to remember or think about 
I'm so sorry. I totally got the dates mixed up. I thought our meeting was next Monday.
23753.splurge (贅沢する、散財する  )to spend more money than you can usually afford SYN splash out
 Actually, last month. I went on a shopping binge and splurged!
23754. spend a fortune 大金を使う)
He must've spent a fortune renovating his house. 
23755.turn in (提出する)
You need to turn in that document to your supervisor.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

徒然草 第三段

2019年07月16日 | Daily Vocabulary








Daily Vocabulary(2019/07/16)

2019年07月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
23746.There is no way(~はできない、あり得ない ) someone who is talkative talks a lot OPP quiet 
There is no way the bank manager will see you if you haven't make appointment.
23747.studious(勉強好きな)in a way that improves the situation 
If I have, I hoped it's for the better.
to surprise or upset someone so much that they do not react immediately 
Her beauty stunned my brother.
to surprise someone very much SYN amaze
What astonished me was that he was a lawyer.
a type of rubber material that can stretch and then return to its usual length or size
Elastic materials are used for the insole.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News