

Daily Vocabulary(2019/11/22)

2019年11月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
24371.glorious(見事な、素晴らしい)very beautiful or impressive 
The autumn leaves are absolutely glorious at the moment.
24372.rush into(大急ぎで~する)to get involved in something without taking enough time to think carefully about it
Now that I'm older and wiser, I never rush into decision.
24373.give ~the green light (〜を承認する / 〜に許可を与える)
We are hoping the headquarters will give us the green light.
24374.give the go-ahead (〜を許可する / 〜にゴーサインを出す )  
Upper management gave the go-ahead for the app development team to launch the project.
24375.give permission / approve (許可する / 承認する )  
I gave him permission to leave early today.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2019/11/21)

2019年11月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
24366.at the last minute(最後の最後に)
I added them at the last minute.
Din has built a solid reputation as a translator.
24368.emergency contact(緊急連絡先)
Who's your emergency contact?
The typhoon is expected to hit tomorrow.
24370.lose power(停電する  
We might lose power

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2019年11月20日 | 爺英語

Tennis sensation Naomi Osaka says she's laying the groundwork to represent Japan in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Osaka sat down with an NHK reporter for an exclusive interview on Thursday.
(Naomi Osaka)
"It's definitely going to be very special. I think that there is no other place that I'd rather play my first Olympics, of course. So, I think that it will be like one of the most memorable things that will ever happen to me."
Osaka is currently an American and a Japanese citizen. She said she has already taken steps to officially choose her Japanese nationality. Japanese law requires dual citizens to choose one nationality before turning 22. Osaka will turn that age next Wednesday.
The Japan Tennis Association says Osaka must play in one more national team competition for Japan to represent the nation in the Olympics. 
sensation 世間を沸かせる人
laying the groundwork 下地を作る、準備をする    
sit down with ~と膝を交える、話し合う 
exclusive interview単独会見   
take steps to~するための措置を講じる  

Daily Vocabulary(2019/11/20)

2019年11月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
24361. take one's mind off (〜を忘れる、〜から気を紛らわす )
Swimming should help you take your mind off the situation.
24362.close to one’s heart (大事に思っていること )
I always keep family close to my heart.
24363.most ((一般的に)ほとんどの〜・大抵の〜・大概の〜 )
Most people work too much.
24364.most of (〜のほとんど・〜の大部分・〜の大半)  
Most of the kids in this class like cake. 
24365.turn over a new leaf (心機一転する / 気持ちを入れ替える )  
He turned over a new leaf and started studying English.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

徒然草 第二十二段

2019年11月19日 | 徒然草を読む





Daily Vocabulary(2019/11/19)

2019年11月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
SI'm stuffed...I have no room for dessert.
The train in the morning are always packed.
24358.empty(空の)not crowded⇒empty
Because of the rain,the stadium was empty.
24359.soaked(びしょびしょ) wet⇒soaked
You are soakedwhat happened.
24360.sparkling clean(ピカピカ)  clean⇒sparkling clean
Three hours later the little flat was sparkling clean.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2019/11/18)

2019年11月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
24351.Just make sure (必ず~してくださいね)
Just make sure you bring a little something.
24352.amazing(素晴らしい)great ⇒amazing
The Japanese-style hotel was amazing.
24353.terrible(ひどい)bad ⇒terrible
I have a bad cold and terrible headache.
24354.gorgeous(見事) beautiful ⇒gorgeous 
The view from this window is gorgeous.
24355.starving(腹ペコ)hungry ⇒starving   
I'm starving!Let's go get 染ティgとえあt

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2019/11/17)

2019年11月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
I'll show you the right way to hold chopsticks.
24347.turn around(振り返る)
Turn around slowly...there's a beautiful bird right behind you.
I'm pretty sure this is your tea.
I'm 100% sure.
24350.make sure(確認する)  
I just want to make sure. Did you see my email?.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

生のみ生のままで 上 (集英社文芸単行本)

2019年11月16日 | 読書日記


綿矢りさ堂々の新境地! 女性同士の鮮烈なる恋愛小説。




Daily Vocabulary(2019/11/16)

2019年11月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
24341.tight spot (困った状況 / 窮地 
I need to find my way out of this tight spot. 
24342.sticky situation (厄介な状況 / 難しい状況 )
How did you get yourself involved in a sticky situation like that? 
24343.read between the lines (空気を読む / 行間を読む / 場の雰囲気を汲み取る)
If you read between the lines, you can understand what he really means.
24344.understand the situation(空気を読む / 状況を察する / 場の雰囲気を読む )  
It's important to understand the situation.
24345.work toward (〜に向けて頑張る )  
Is there anything you are working toward right now?

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2019/11/15)

2019年11月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
24336.That was close!(危ないところでした)
Phew! That was close! I almost misses my flight.
24337.take a close look at(綿密にながめる)
Take a close look at this photo!
24338.close to(~に近い)
Our new apartment is close to our kid's school.
24339. (be) on cloud nine (至福の状態(である))  
I'm on cloud nine because I landed my dream job.
24340.(be) in seventh heaven (幸福の絶頂(にいる)) 
This was hands down the best bowl of ramen I've ever had. I'm in seventh heaven.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News