24331.no more than(~に過ぎない)used to emphasize that someone or something does not have a particular quality or would not do something
I learned that the Earth is no more than a little planet
24332.diameter(直径)a straight line from one side of a circle to the other side, passing through the centre of the circle, or the length of this line
Its diameter is less than a tenth of Jupiter, the largest planet
24333.small portion(少量)a part of something larger, especially a part that is different from the other parts
Give me a small portion of rice . I'm on diet.
24334.furry(毛で覆われた) covered with fur or short threads → fluffy
I just love these cute little furry kittens.
24335.brilliant(見事な、素晴らしい) extremely clever or skilful
It was full of brilliant high-tech audio-visual effects.
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