

Daily Vocabulary(2019/11/14)

2019年11月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
24331.no more than(~に過ぎない)used to emphasize that someone or something does not have a particular quality or would not do something 
I learned that the Earth is no more than a little planet
24332.diameter(直径)a straight line from one side of a circle to the other side, passing through the centre of the circle, or the length of this line 
Its diameter is less than a tenth of Jupiter, the largest planet
24333.small portion(少量)a part of something larger, especially a part that is different from the other parts 
Give me a small portion of rice . I'm on diet.
24334.furry(毛で覆われた)  covered with fur or short threads → fluffy  
I just love these cute little furry kittens.
24335.brilliant(見事な、素晴らしい)   extremely clever or skilful 
It was full of brilliant high-tech audio-visual effects. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2019年11月13日 | 爺英語

Tourists in Kyoto have been banned from taking pictures in privately-owned alleys near one of the city's most photographed spots. Locals say the action was necessary because of disrespectful behavior by visitors.
An association of residents and shop owners imposed the ban on Friday. It covers some private alleys in the Gion district.
The district is a major tourist attraction. But visitors have reportedly been entering private property without permission. There have also been reports of tourists pulling at the kimonos of geisha entertainers and maiko apprentices.

(Mimiko Takayasu / Local association member)
"The Gion district has a special traditional atmosphere. The ban has been imposed to preserve this."

Visitors say although they want to enjoy their trips, rules must be respected. People will be fined roughly 100 dollars for violating the ban.
disrespectful  無礼な、失礼な    
tourist attraction観光名所    
reportedly 伝えられるところによると、報道によると
private property 私有地   
pulling at引っ張る  

Daily Vocabulary(2019/11/13)

2019年11月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
24326.flop(ばたばた動く、ばったり倒れる、ごろりと横になる、どかりと座る、どぶんと飛び込む、変節する、突然態度を変える、失敗に終わる、つぶれる、寝入る)to hang or fall loosely, in an uncontrolled way 
The show was a flop
24327.bland(気の抜けた,おもしろみのない ) food that is bland has very little taste 類義語 tasteless 
The tea is bland in taste and has little positive features as a tea.
24328.cayenne pepper(唐辛子 )the red powder made from a pepper that has a very hot taste 
It is as hot as cayenne pepper
24329.a form of(一つの形式一つ、形態)   
It's a classical form of comic storytelling. 
24330.big drinker(大酒飲み)  
 My big brother is a really big drinker

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

徒然草 第二十一段

2019年11月12日 | 徒然草を読む






Daily Vocabulary(2019/11/12)

2019年11月12日 | Daily Vocabulary
24321.have/has come to like/love (〜が徐々に好きになる)
I've come to realize that the most important thing is to take action.
24322.grow on someone (だんだん気に入るようになる )
Once you live in a place, it grows on you. .
24323.acquire a taste(徐々に(食べ物/飲み物)が好きになる)
I have acquired a taste for black coffee. 
24324.I have mixed feelings. (複雑な心境です)  
 She has mixed feelings about her job. She gets along with her coworkers but the pay is not that good.
24325.It’s likely to rain today (今日は雨が降りそうですね )  
Do you think that company is likely to succeed?  

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2019/11/11)

2019年11月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
24316.stuff like that(その手のもの)
I’m not really into stuff like that.
24317.sometime soon(そのうち)
Let’s make plans to do that sometime soon
24318.I was wondering if you could~(~してくれたらと思う)
I was wondering if you could give me ride to the airport next Thursday.
24319.make up with(仲直りする)  
Suppose you stay here until you've cooled down, and then try to make up with him.
24320.end up (結局~になる)  
I guess you both lose your temper and ended up having a big argument. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


Daily Vocabulary(2019/11/10)

2019年11月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
24311.go on a trip(旅行する)
I'm going on a trip to Greece next week.
24312.make a trip ((ある目的のために)旅行に行く )
You guys are moving to Tokyo? I will definitely make a trip to Japan to see you guys.
24313.self-centered paying so much attention to yourself that you do not notice what is happening to other people 類義語 selfish 
Jill's attractive and pleasant to talk to, but she's extremely self-centered
24314.speechless    unable to speak because you feel very angry, upset etc 
 He was speechless with astonishment. .
24315.I'm obsessed with (〜にすごくはまっている / 〜で頭がいっぱい )  
 My son is obsessed with everything Mickey! 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

8050問題の深層: 「限界家族」をどう救うか

2019年11月09日 | 読書日記


著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)




Daily Vocabulary(2019/11/09)

2019年11月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
24306.throw a fit (激怒する / 頭に血がのぼる / 逆上する)informal to be very angry or shocked 
She throws fits when she can't have things her way. She's like a kid.
24307.my kind of (私の好きな類いの)
I love to make no plans when I travel. That's my kind of vacation. 
24308.kind of like (〜のような)
"Okonomiyaki" is kind of like a pancake.
24309.kind of (少し)   spoken slightly but not exactly, or in some ways 類義語 sort of 
I'm I'm kind of excited but nervous at the same time.
24310.make a commitment (〜をすると決心する・誓う)  
There's no secret. I just made a commitment to study and speak English every day. You just have to be consistent. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2019/11/08)

2019年11月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
24301.I get that a lot(よくそう言われます)
Yeah I get that a lot. I must look old. 
24302.shady (怪しい / いんちきな) probably dishonest or illegal 類義語 suspicious 
Don't ever trust him. He's a shady guy.
24303.sketchy (怪しい / 不審な)not thorough or complete, and not having enough details to be useful 類義語 vague 
There's a sketchy looking guy outside my apartment.
24304.fishy (怪しい / 胡散臭い ) informal seeming bad or dishonest 類義語 suspicious    
That sounds too good to be true. It sounds fishy
24305.back then(当時は)  
I was a lot slimmer back then, and my hair was still dark. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2019/11/07)

2019年11月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
24296.in private(内密に )without other people being present 
Can we talk in private?.
24297.creak(キーキー鳴る音、きしる音、きしみ )if something such as a door, wooden floor, old bed, or stair creaks, it makes a long high noise when someone opens it, walks on it, sits on it etc
The floor in my room creaks even when no one is walking on it
24298.flame(火炎 )hot bright burning gas that you see when something is on fire 
His words only added fuel to the flame.
24299.fraction(破片、分数)  a part of a whole number in mathematics, such as ½ or ¾ 
I How would you express 25% as a fraction?
to express in a shorter, clearer, or different way what someone has said or written → summarize  
CI can't understand what you said. Could you paraphrase that?

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2019年11月06日 | 爺英語
We're watching history in the making, as the main ceremony to mark the accession of Japan's new emperor has just taken place at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. Emperor Naruhito took the throne in May, and today dignitaries of Japan and other countries are celebrating his enthronement.
As about 2,000 people looked on, the curtains of the imperial throne, called "Takamikura," were opened, revealing Emperor Naruhito in a traditional robe. Empress Masako was in a smaller structure known as "Michodai," wearing a ceremonial kimono.
And in a moment steeped in tradition, the emperor officially proclaimed his enthronement.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe then delivered a congratulatory address on behalf of the Japanese people. That was followed by three rounds of "banzai," a traditional Japanese exclamation wishing a long life.
A motorcade parade was planned for this afternoon, but the government postponed it by three weeks to focus on recovery efforts in areas affected by Typhoon Hagibis. 

accession 即位  
take the throne即位する  
dignitary  要人   someone who has an important official position 類義語 VIP 
looked on見つめる、傍観する  
imperial throne 玉座  
robe(長くゆったりした)衣服   a long loose piece of clothing, especially one worn for official ceremonies
be steeped in ... (~に深く染み込んだ  )  
proclaim  (正式に)宣言する     to say publicly or officially that something important is true or exists → proclamation 
congratulatory address 祝辞          
exclamation 叫び(声)   
motorcade  自動車行列 a line of official cars, including a car carrying an important person, that is travelling somewhere