

Daily Vocabulary(2020/12/07)

2020年12月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
26366.on the flip side(その一方で)
On the flip side, I think the reward is greater than the risk. 
26367.pull out(引き出す・取り出す・引き抜く)
I need to pull out some money. Is there an ATM nearby? .
26368.take a shot(シュート)
Mike from the Eagles is taking a shot! . 
26369.contact information(連絡先)
It's hard to find people's contact information!
26370.play it safe(安全策をとる・大事をとる)
I'm going to play it safe and shut down the engine. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/12/06)

2020年12月06日 | Daily Vocabulary
26361.My bad(すまない )American English spoken informal used to say that you have made a mistake or that something is your fault  
Are you OK? My bad, man. I didn't mean to hurt you. 
26362.each other(互いに )used to show that each of two or more people does something to the other or others  
We email each other once a month.
26363.One another(互いに)each other number of things or people 
We email l one another once a month.  
26364.help someone see(相手に気づかせる) to experience physical or mental pain 
As a teacher, it's my responsibility to help the students see that speaking English is fun.
26365.literally(文字通り・本当に)according to the most basic or original meaning of a word or expression 
I literally haven’t slept in three days preparing for this presentation. . 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

定年夫婦のトリセツ (SB新書)

2020年12月05日 | 読書日記
そんなとき、男はどうする? 女はどうする。


【黒川 伊保子】





Daily Vocabulary(2020/12/05)

2020年12月05日 | Daily Vocabulary
26356.faze(あわてさせる)If something fazes you, it surprises, shocks, or frightens you, so that you do not know what to do. 
Nothing they said fazed him. 
26357.in the lead(優勢で)leading or ahead in a competition 
We're in the lead, but the team from the UK is very strong.
26358.umpteen(多くの、多数の)can be used to refer to an extremely large number of things or people 
I have umpteen things to do today. 
26359.have someone's back((人を)守る・助ける / 〜の味方をする) 
Thanks for having my back at the meeting today.
26360.stab someone in the back((人を)裏切る) 
He is a trustworthy guy. He'll never stab you in the back. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/12/04)

2020年12月04日 | Daily Vocabulary
26351.refill(飲み物のおかわり)another drink to replace one already drunk 
Could I get a refill on my iced tea?
26352.appetizer(前菜)happening soon
How about some appetizer!.
Let ask our server for a recommendation. 
26354.plot(筋、構想) The plot of a film, novel, or play is the connected series of events which make up the story.  
The plot was a little hard to follow.
26355.imagery(表現、描写) the use of words or pictures to describe ideas or actions in poems, books, films etc  
The imagery she uses in her stories is so creative. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/12/03)

2020年12月03日 | Daily Vocabulary
26346.adage(格言)a well-known phrase that says something wise about human experience SYN proverb 
The old adage about all work and no play also applies to the business world, in my opinion. 
Find the difference of X and Y..
Subtract 12 from 30, you get 21. 
26349.watering can(ジョロ) a container used for pouring water on garden plants 
I filled watering can with too much water..
26350.cargo(貨物、積荷) the goods that are being carried in a ship or plane SYN freight 
That ship i carrying cargo from Canada.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2020年12月02日 | 爺英語

Local people have begun seasonal production of a traditional Japanese delicacy in western Japan's Fukui Prefecture.
Narezushi gave rise to the modern sushi known and loved around the world.
Fermented fish is stuffed with rice mixed with ginger, vinegar, and koji mold to make the dish.
Narezushi is not refrigerated and was once an important way to ensure that fish could be eaten long after it was caught.
A group of eight people gathered on Sunday to prepare narezushi for the year-end period.
They plan to prepare 1,800 servings of the dish, which will feature in many people's traditional New Year's repast.
(Kobayashi Nobuo / Group leader)
"The flavor will begin to reach perfection after the temperature drops in two or three days. We're determined to make tasty narezushi."
The group expects strong demand this year, as people are spending more time at home amid the coronavirus pandemic.
delicacy 珍味、ごちそう  A delicacy is a rare or expensive food that is considered especially nice to eat.       
◆fermented   発酵した    If a food, drink, or other natural substance ferments, or if it is fermented, a chemical change takes place in it so that alcohol is produced.
refrigerate 冷蔵する   If you refrigerate food, you make it cold, for example by putting it in a fridge, usually in order to preserve it.      
feature   (~で)重要な役割を担う     When something such as a film or exhibition features a particular person or thing, they are an important part of it. 
repast 食事   A repast is a meal. 
amid   ~の状況で      conformity to the prevailing standards of propriety, morality, modesty, etc 

Daily Vocabulary(2020/12/02)

2020年12月02日 | Daily Vocabulary
26341.look into(詳しく調べる)f a person or organization is looking into a possible course of action, a problem, or a situation, they are finding out about it and examining the facts relating to it. 
Did you get a chance to look into that issue? 
26342.talk to you(相談をする)
There's something I want to talk to you about.
26343.I'm (always) here for you(いつでも相談に乗ります)
I'm always here for you. You can come talk to me anytime. 
26344.number-one priority(最優先事項) to experience physical or mental pain 
Safety has to be our number-one priority.
26345.on a scale of 1 to 10(1から10の段階で) 
For example, we regularly ask them to say how happy they are at work, on a scale of 1 to 10. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

徒然草 第七十六段

2020年12月01日 | 徒然草を読む





Daily Vocabulary(2020/12/01)

2020年12月01日 | Daily Vocabulary
26336.play it by ear(臨機応変にやる / その場の状況に合わせてやる)to act as the situation demands, without a preconceived plan; improvise 
Let's not worry about it now. We'll just play it by ear. 
26337.on the fly(その場の判断で)If you do something on the fly, you do it quickly without thinking about it or planning it in advance, especially while something else is happening. 
It's been tough. I'm learning everything on the fly.
26338.go the extra mile(期待以上の働きをする / 一層の努力をする )to try a little harder in order to achieve something, after you have already used a lot of effort 
He always goes the extra mile for us. 
26339.go above and beyond(期待をはるかに上回る) 
You can expect me to go above and beyond of what is required.
26340.down the road(将来いつか / 今後 / そのうち) in the future, especially at a later stage in a process    
I want to tap into the European market but that's at least 3 years down the road

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News