

Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/23)

2021年05月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
26891.woodpecker(キツツキ)A woodpecker is a type of bird with a long sharp beak. Woodpeckers use their beaks to make holes in tree trunks.
There's a woodpecker on that cactus
26892.hummingbird(ハチドリ)A hummingbird is a small brightly coloured bird found in America, especially Central and South America. It has a long thin beak and powerful narrow wings that can move very fast.
We can feed hummingbird's at the zoo.
26893.scorpion(さそり)A scorpion is a small creature which looks like a large insect. Scorpions have a long curved tail, and some of them are poisonous.
That's not a spider. That's a scorpion.
26894.rattlesnake(ガラガラヘビ)A rattlesnake is a poisonous American snake which can make a rattling noise with its tail.
There are pink rattlesnakes in Arizona
26895.sanitize(消毒する)If you sanitize something, you clean it so that there are no germs or bacteria on it.
Let's see some animals. First, sanitize your hands, OK?


2021年05月22日 | 読書日記




Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/22)

2021年05月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
26886.pop the question(プロポーズする)to propose marriage
I gave her a bouquet of red roes before I popped the question.
26887.bits and pieces(こまごましたもの)You can use bits and pieces or bits and bobs to refer to a collection of different things.
There are so many bits and pieces everywhere.
26888.fall out(仲たがい)If you fall out with someone, you have an argument and stop being friendly with them. You can also say that two people fall out.
Did you have a fall out?.
26889.split up(はぐれる)If a group of people split up or are split up, they go away in different directions.
Be careful not to split up.
26890.dehydrated(脱水症状状態)deprived of vital water or moisture
Be careful not to get dehydrated

Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/21)

2021年05月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
26881.in the long run(長い目で見れば)If you talk about what will happen in the long run, you are saying what you think will happen over a long period of time in the future. If you talk about what will happen in the short run, you are saying what you think will happen in the near future.
Hard work will pay off in the long run
26882.in the short run(目先だけで考える)in the beginning; at first; initially .
That'll be OK in the short run, but we have to eventually figure out a long term solution. 
26883.On the whole / All things considered (全体として / 総合的に考えてみると)You use on the whole to indicate that what you are saying is true in general but may not be true in every case, or that you are giving a general opinion or summary of something.
On the whole, it was a pretty poor presentation. 
26884.It's rewarding(やりがいがある)An experience or action that is rewarding gives you satisfaction or brings you benefits.
I get paid well but it's not rewarding. That's why I'm thinking about switching jobs. 
27885.It's worthwhile(〜する価値がある)If something is worthwhile, it is enjoyable or useful, and worth the time, money, or effort that is spent on it.
Running a business can be stressful at times but it is definitely worthwhile

Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/20)

2021年05月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
26876.go too far(〜をやり過ぎる)to exceed reasonable limits
You went too far. You should apologize to her. 
26877.average(平均的な)An average person or thing is typical or normal.
The burgers here are a little pricy but they’re way bigger than your average burgers at fast food restaurants. 
26878.Come on(いい加減にして)
Come on, give me a break. I didn’t drop your camera on purpose. It was an accident. 
26879.in shape(健康的)If someone or something is in shape, or in good shape, they are in a good state of health or in a good condition. If they are in bad shape, they are in a bad state of health or in a bad condition.
What do you do to stay in shape
27880.out of shape(運動不足)If you are out of shape, you are unhealthy and unable to do a lot of physical activity without getting tired.
I'm running out of breath climbing up these stairs. I'm so out of shape


2021年05月19日 | Daily Vocabulary

A Tokyo-based employment information firm says the coronavirus pandemic has led to more people in Japan looking for farming jobs.
Mynavi Corporation launched a job-hunting app in 2019 for those seeking work on the land.
The aim was to connect them with farmers and agricultural companies facing a labor shortage as rural populations decline.
The company says nearly 13,000 had signed up through the app as of the end of January. That's a roughly tenfold increase year-on-year.
Mynavi says people in their 20s and 30s accounted for half of those job hunters.
The firm cites the effects of the pandemic as reasons for the search. These include falling wages as well as greater scope in where to work as more companies encourage telecommuting.
And officials say it seems to be easier now for people who have other jobs that want to enter farming.
tenfold  10倍 equal to or having 10 times as many or as much
year-on-year  前年同期比で  

Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/19)

2021年05月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
26871.morning sickness(つわり)If a pregnant woman has morning sickness, she feels sick or is sick, often in the morning.
My morning sickness was really bad in my first trimester. 
26872.a pain in the neck/but(めんどくさい)someone or something that is very annoying
Folding laundry is a pain in the butt
26873.It's (such) a hassle(手間がかかって面倒くさい)
Applying for a visa is such a hassle
26864.censorship(検閲)Censorship is the censoring of books, plays, films, or reports, especially by government officials, because they are considered immoral or secret in some way.
Are you for or against censorship
27875.narrow down(絞り込む)If you narrow down a range of things, you reduce the number of things included in it.
You should be more specific and narrow down your search. 

徒然草 第百段

2021年05月18日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/18)

2021年05月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
26866.mean(意地悪な人、卑怯な人、不親切な人)a serious, difficult, or dangerous situation
My boss is rude and mean. I can't stand him. 
26867.I didn't mean(〜するつもりはなかった)
I didn't mean to leave you out. 
26868.I mean it(本気だ / 本心だ
I mean it. I really think that haircut looks good on you. 
26869.That means a lot(あなたにそう言ってもらえると嬉しいです )
This watch may have no value but it means a lot to me. It was passed down from my grandfather. 
27870.due date(予定日)the date on which, according to medical calculations, a pregnant woman is most likely to give birth
My first was born 3 weeks before her due date, so we’ll see what happens this time. 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/17)

2021年05月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
26861.That’s how ~ it was(それだけ~んです)
She fell asleep while she was talking. That’s how tired she was. 
26862.sketchy(怪しい)Sketchy information about something does not include many details and is therefore incomplete or inadequate.
That bar? That place seems kind of sketchy. Let's find another place. 
26863.cater to(要望に応じる )
We do our best to cater to the needs of our customers 
26864.swear(本当に~だ)If someone swears, they use language that is considered to be rude or offensive, usually because they are angry
I swear I got a perfect score on the TOEIC test. Do you want me to show it to you? 
27865.scar(傷跡になる)A scar is a mark on the skin which is left after a wound has healed.
If your skin is scarred, it is badly marked as a result of a wound.  

Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/16)

2021年05月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
26856.nervous wreck(あまりにも緊張・心配していて気が休まらない人)If you say that someone is a nervous wreck, you mean that they are extremely nervous or worried about something.
I did a presentation in English today. I was a nervous wreck.
26857.anxious(緊張する・心配する)If you are anxious to do something or anxious that something should happen, you very much want to do it or very much want it to happen./If you are anxious, you are nervous or worried about something.
I'm pretty anxious about moving abroad. What if I don't make any friends?
26858.Get/Become big-headed(天狗になる / 自惚れる / 調子に乗る)If you describe someone as big-headed, you disapprove of them because they think they are very clever and know everything
She got big-headed since she got the promotion. 
26859.Full of oneself(自惚れている / 自己中心的)
Jason doesn't get along with others because he is so full of himself.  
27860.swagger(自信に満ち溢れている)If you swagger, you walk in a very proud, confident way, holding your body upright and swinging your hips.
I don't know what it is about him but he has swagger


2021年05月15日 | 読書日記



