

Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/15)

2021年05月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
26851.synopsis(あらすじ、梗概(こうがい)、大意)A synopsis is a summary of a longer piece of writing or work.
The synopsis sounded interesting, but the movie wasn't very good.
26852.puppy(子犬)A puppy is a young dog.
Mom can we get a puppy?
26853.growl(うなる)When a dog or other animal growls, it makes a low noise in its throat, usually because it is angry.
If a dog's growing, stay away.
26854.trick(芸、技)A trick is a clever or skilful action that someone does in order to entertain people.
My puppy learned a new trick.
If your structure is strong, your ideas are easier to understand..

Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/14)

2021年05月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
26846.balance(残高)a serious, difficult, or dangerous situation
What's the balance on my account?
26847.referral(紹介状)Referral is the act of officially sending someone to a person or authority that is qualified to deal with them.
I have a referral from another doctor
26848.running time(先頭で)The running time of something such as a film, video, or CD is the time it takes to play from start to finish.
HWhat is the runnning time of this movie
I have been feeling sluggish all week..
27850.centennial(100周年、100年さい)A centennial is the same as a centenary.
Our high school celebrated  its centennial last year.

Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/13)

2021年05月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
26841.classy(高級な、上等な、いきな、シックな、身分の高い)If you describe someone or something as classy, you mean they are stylish and sophisticated.
The people in this photo are very classy. 
26842.curl up(体を丸くする)
The kitten curled up on my lap and started purring
26843.purr(気持ちよさそうに)ゴロゴロとのどを鳴らす、低い音を立てる)When a cat purrs, it makes a low vibrating sound with its throat because it is contented.
I love listening to a kitten purr.
26844.rerun(再放送)To rerun a movie, play, or television program means to show it or put it on again.
This episodes seems familiar. it must be a rerun
27845.prime time(ゴールデンタイム)Prime time television or radio programmes are broadcast when the greatest number of people are watching television or listening to the radio, usually in the evenings.
The interview will be broadcasting prime time tonight.


2021年05月12日 | Daily Vocabulary

Japanese Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide has visited the White House for Joe Biden's first face-to-face meeting with a foreign leader since becoming president.
They issued a joint statement underlining the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.
It's the first time in over 50 years such a message from the two countries has touched on Taiwan.
(Joe Biden / U.S. President)
"Prime Minister Suga and I affirmed our ironclad support for U.S.-Japanese alliance and for our shared security."
(Suga Yoshihide / Japanese Prime Minister)
"We agreed to oppose Chinese attempts to change the status quo by force in the East and South China Seas and to oppose the country's coercion against others in the region."
On Taiwan, the leaders said they encourage the peaceful resolution of cross-strait issues.
They also shared their serious concerns over human rights in Hong Kong and the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

Taiwan Strait  台湾海峡
ironclad   甲鉄の、鉄で覆われた  If you describe a guarantee or plan as ironclad, you are emphasizing that it has been carefully put together, and that you think it is absolutely certain to work or be successful. 
coercion    強制、強要、威圧     Coercion is the act or process of persuading someone forcefully to do something that they do not want to do. 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/12)

2021年05月12日 | Daily Vocabulary
26836.narrow down to(範囲を~に狭める・絞る)If you narrow down a range of things, you reduce the number of things included in it.
Now, I'd like to narrow it down to six for the interview. 
26837.stingy (けちくさい、しみったれた、みみっちい)If you describe someone as stingy, you are criticizing them for being unwilling to spend money.
You're the stingiest squirrel I know! 
26838.genuine(正真正銘の、本物の、正にその名に値する、心からの、本当の )Genuine is used to describe people and things that are exactly what they appear to be, and are not false or an imitation.
I like him because he's so genuine.
26839.naive(世間知らずの、考え方の甘い)If you describe someone as naive, you think they lack experience and so expect things to be easy or people to be honest or kind.
It’s naive to think that anyone can be rich.
27840.mature(十分成熟した、大人な)When a child or young animal matures, it becomes an adult./hen something matures, it reaches a state of complete development.
Tom is mature for his age.

徒然草 第九十九段

2021年05月11日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/11)

2021年05月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
26831.Keep that day open(その日は空けておいて)
We have guests coming from Australia on March 25th. Make sure you keep that date open
26832.Save the date(その日は空けておいて)
I'll send out the "save the date" cards next week. 
26833.live from hand to mouth(その日暮らしをする、かつかつの生活を送る)If someone lives hand to mouth or lives from hand to mouth, they have hardly enough food or money to live on.
When I first started as freelance, I had to live hand-to-mouth
26834.lose one's touch(下手になる)
I know you didn’t win today, but you haven’t lost your touch. You’re just having a bad day. 
27835.twist one's arm(人に何かを強制的にさせる)
Oh fine. Since you twisted my arm! But next time, I get to pick the movie! 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/10)

2021年05月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
26826.something has come up(急用ができました)a serious, difficult, or dangerous situation
Something's come up and I won't be able to make it to dinner tonight. 
26827.back out(約束を破る)If you back out, you decide not to do something that you previously agreed to do.
I hate to back out last minute but something important has come up at work. 
26828.Seriously? / Are you serious(まじで)You say 'seriously' when you are surprised by what someone has said, as a way of asking them if they really mean it. 
My sister got in a car accident yesterday. Seriously? Is she OK?
26829.For real((口語っぽい)マジで)If you say that someone does something for real, you mean that they actually do it and do not just pretend to do it.
You're not going to believe it. My brother is getting married. For reals? That’s awesome! 
27830.No way(マジで? ありえない)You can say no way as an emphatic way of saying no.
What? You've got to be kidding me. No way! That's crazy. 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/09)

2021年05月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
26821.think highly of(~を高く評価する / 〜を尊重する)
Everyone thinks highly of her presentation skills.
26822.all set(準備できた)prepared; ready
Are you all set for the presentation tomorrow? 
26823.out of it(ボーッとする)uninvolved or excluded, not able or allowed to participate/unaware of what is going on because very drunk or drugged
Sorry I'm a little out of it today. I pulled an all-nighter last night. 
26824.space out((人の話しを聞かずに)ボーッとする)
Oh sorry, I was spacing out. What did you say? 
27825.daydream(空想にふける)If you daydream, you think about pleasant things for a period of time, usually about things that you would like to happen.
You were daydreaming about that girl, weren't you? 


2021年05月08日 | 読書日記

【著者略歴 について】
1947年兵庫県生まれ。77年「泥の河」で太宰治賞、78年「螢川」で芥川賞を受賞。87年『優駿』で吉川英治文学賞を受賞。2004年『約束の冬』で芸術選奨文部科学大臣賞文学部門、09年『骸骨ビルの庭』で司馬遼太郎賞を受賞。著作に、「流転の海」シリーズ、『水のかたち』『田園発 港行き自転車』『草花たちの静かな誓い』など。 



ポケットのメモ用紙を出して、「モンテ・クリストフ伯 アレクサンドルデュマ」と書いた。次に読めと勧めたのはユゴーの「レ・ミゼラブル」でその次は森鴎外の「渋江抽斎」だった。



Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/08)

2021年05月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
26816.close(親しい、仲が良い)You say that people are close to each other when they like each other very much and know each other very well.
I am close to my parents
26817.distant(よそよそしい)If you describe someone as distant, you mean that you find them cold and unfriendly.
Bill has been distant from me since our argument.
26818.hostile(敵意のある、冷淡な)Someone who is hostile is unfriendly and aggressive.
Don't be so hostile! I just forget your birthday , honey.
26819.inseparable(離れられない、切っても切れない)If one thing is inseparable from another, the things are so closely connected that they cannot be considered separately.
We've been inseparable since junior high.
27820.flame(燃える恋の対象、恋人)a lover or sweetheart
I saw my old flame at the library.