

Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/07)

2021年05月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
26811.humanities(人文科学、文系)the study of Ancient Greek and Roman language, literature, etc
Would you rather study the humanities or the sciences?
26812.Way to go!(よくやった、その調子)You can say 'Way to go' to show that you are pleased or impressed by something someone has done.
You passed your driver's test? Way to go!
26813.dune(砂漠)A dune is a hill of sand near the sea or in a desert.
Sand dunes are formed by wind.
26814.mirage(蜃気楼)A mirage is something which you see when it is extremely hot, for example in the desert, and which appears to be quite near but is actually a long way away or does not really exist.
I thought I saw a lake, but it was just a mirage.
27815.rock(揺れる)When something rocks or when you rock it, it moves slowly and regularly backwards and forwards or from side to side.
The train may rock due to curves on the way..

Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/06)

2021年05月06日 | Daily Vocabulary
26806.significant other(重要な他者、大切な人)If you refer to your significant other, you are referring to your wife, husband, or the person you are having a relationship with.
Some people need a significant other, some don't
26807.wind instrument(管楽器)A wind instrument is a musical instrument that you blow into in order to produce sounds, such as a flute, a clarinet, or a recorder
Trumpets and clarinets are both wind instruments.
26808.percussion(打楽器)instruments are musical instruments that you hit, such as drums.
This orchestra has excellent percussion section..
26809.internal medicine(内科)the branch of medical science concerned with the diagnosis and nonsurgical treatment of disorders of the internal structures of the body
The internal medicine department is on the second floor.
27810.dermatology(皮膚科)the branch of medicine concerned with the skin and its diseases
Can you recommend a hospital with a good dermatology department? 


2021年05月05日 | 爺英語

Now to a U.S. trial verdict reverberating across the globe. A jury in Minnesota has returned guilty verdicts on all three counts faced by a former police officer charged with murdering George Floyd.
Floyd's death last May sparked global anti-racism protests and set off a summer of racial reckoning in the United States.
Derek Chauvin was convicted on Tuesday. Floyd, a Black man, died after the white police officer knelt on his neck for more than nine minutes.
Chauvin pleaded not guilty. His defense team argued he was following his training as a police officer and Floyd's death was the result of heart disease and drug use.
But a jury found him guilty.
President Biden spoke after the verdict, calling systemic racism a "stain on the nation's soul."
Many supporters gathered outside the courtroom and celebrated after hearing the news.

verdict  (陪審の)評決 
reverberate  響きわたる、反響させる    physically incapacitated 
set off    引き起こす、発端となる、誘発する      If a liquid is diluted or dilutes, it is added to or mixes with water or another liquid, and becomes weaker. 
reckoning    報い、罰    If you endorse someone or something, you say publicly that you support or approve of them 
defense team  弁護団   If something triggers an event or situation, it causes it to begin to happen or exist.

Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/05)

2021年05月05日 | Daily Vocabulary
26801.bond(絆)A bond between people is a strong feeling of friendship, love, or shared beliefs and experiences that unites them.
Stephanie and I have an unbreakable bond.
26802.tight(親密な)If you hold someone or something tight, you hold them firmly and securely.
Sam and I are tight. We hang over every weekend.
26803.journal(日記)A journal is an account which you write of your daily activities.
My journal is full of ideas for new stories.
I take to reread the diary entry for the day I had my daughter.
27805.curator(学芸員)A curator is someone who is in charge of the objects or works of art in a museum or art gallery.
Let's ask the curator about this oil painting.

徒然草 第九十八段

2021年05月04日 | 徒然草を読む


 一 しやせまし、せずやあらましと思ふ事は、おほやうは、せぬはよきなり。

 一 後世を思はん者は、糂汰瓶一つも持つまじきことなり。持経・本尊に至るまで、よき物を持つ、よしなき事なり。

 一 遁世者は、なきにことかけぬやうを計ひて過ぐる、最上のやうにてあるなり。

 一 上臈は下臈に成り、智者は愚者に成り、徳人は貧に成なり、能ある人は無能に成るべきなり。

 一 仏道を願ふといふは、別の事なし。暇ある身になりて、世の事を心にかけぬを、第一の道とす。










Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/04)

2021年05月04日 | Daily Vocabulary
Does everyone have the materials for today?
26797.chair(議長を務める)If you chair a meeting or a committee, you are the person in charge of it.
I have never chaired a meeting before -I'm nervous.
26798.highlight(強調する、明らかにする)If someone or something highlights a point or problem, they emphasize it or make you think about it.
I'd like to highlight the main point of today's presentation again.
26799.reach  (連絡をとる)If you try to reach someone, you try to contact them, usually by phone. 
I'm trying to reach Mr.Hess in General affairs.
27800.soulmate(心の友)A soulmate is someone with whom you share a close friendship and deep personal understanding.
I believe everyone has a soulmate out there somewhere.

Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/03)

2021年05月03日 | Daily Vocabulary
26791.daunting(気が遠くなる)Something that is daunting makes you feel slightly afraid or worried about dealing with it.
While I recommend this masterpiece, I warn you that it is a daunting read
26792.to name but a few.(ニ、三例をあげると)
Cherries, strawberries and peaches are my favourite fruit to name but a few.
26793.a tad You can use a tad in expressions such as a tad big or a tad small when you mean that it is slightly too big or slightly too small.
Getting back to the opening line, don't you think it' a tad strange
26794.sun shower (天気雨)
This phenomenon is called a sun shower.
27795.Brit(イギリス人)a British person
We Brits are obsessed with the weather.

Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/02)

2021年05月02日 | Daily Vocabulary
26786.take for granted((感謝すべきことを)当然だと見なす)to accept or assume without question 
It was amazing! But I realized that there are a lot of things we take for granted here. 
26787.reek of(悪臭を放つ / ~の臭いがする)To reek of something, usually something unpleasant, means to smell very strongly of it. 
He's just hangover. He went overboard last night. He reeks of alcohol. 
26788.have a good relationship (良い関係)if people have a good working relationship, they are on good terms, and can work effectively together
He knows a lot of people. He has good relationships with many big time CEOs. 
26789.hit it off (意気投合する) If two people hit it off, they like each other and become friendly as soon as they meet. 
They are hitting it off. I knew they would get along. 
27790.clicked(意気投合する)If you click with someone, you like each other and become friendly as soon as you meet. You can also say that two people click.
We just clicked as soon as we met. 


2021年05月01日 | 読書日記
【著者略歴 について】
昭和2(1927)年、山形県鶴岡市に生れる。山形師範学校卒。48年「暗殺の年輪」で第69回直木賞を受賞。「白き瓶―小説 長塚節」は、吉川英治文学賞。平成元年、菊池寛賞受賞、6年に朝日賞、同年東京都文化賞受賞。7年、紫綬褒章受章。




Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/01)

2021年05月01日 | Daily Vocabulary
26781.hurdle(ハードル) A hurdle is a problem, difficulty, or part of a process that may prevent you from achieving something.
She’s been through a lot in life. She has overcome countless hurdles. 
26782.put it in use(~を使用する)
I heard you got an Instant Pot. How do you like it? Did you put it in use
26783.half the battle(一番困難である)If you say that something is half the battle, you mean that it is the most important step towards achieving something. 
Getting out of bed in the morning is half the battle, especially in the winter time. 
26784.straight up(本気で)honestly; truly; exactly
John lost his temper and straight up yelled at me. 
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