

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/06)

2025年01月06日 | Daily Vocabulary
32466.defecate (排便する)to get rid of waste matter from your bowels 
I can’t defecate
32467.documentary (文書の、書類の、事実を記録した )a film or a television or radio programmed that gives detailed information about a particular subject 
The man is shooting a documentary. 
32468.dumpster (ゴミ箱)a large metal container used for waste in the US 類義語 skip British English
There’s a dumpster next to the house. 
32469.emu(ダチョウに似たオーストラリア産の無翼の大鳥 )a large Australian bird that can run very fast but cannot fly 
The emu is a large, flightless bird. 
32470.eyeglasses (眼鏡のレンズ )a lens for one eye, worn to help you see better with that eye 類義語 monocle 
Eyeglasses are not as common as they used to be because of surgeries 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/05)

2025年01月05日 | Daily Vocabulary
32461.cruise (ゆったりしたペースで進む )to sail along slowly, especially for pleasure 
If you’re up for it, let’s cruise along the coast. 
32462.hit the ground running (すぐに全力で取り組む)to start doing something successfully without any delay 
Do you think we can contribute more actively toward international peace?
32463.a pie in the sky (非現実的な)something good that someone says will happen, but which you think is impossible or unlikely
It would be a big help, if you could drive me to the station
32464.make it happen (実現させる、やり遂げる )
He always talked about becoming an actor, and he made it happen
32465.set a date (日付を決める)
Have you set a date for the party yet? 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/04)

2025年01月04日 | Daily Vocabulary
32456.confiscate ((職権で、または罰として)没収する、押収する、差し押さえる )
The customs officer confiscated the counterfeit goods 
32457.counterfeit(偽造の、にせの、模造の、まがいの、偽りの、虚偽の )
Do you think we can contribute more actively toward international peace?
32458.consignee (受託者、荷受人)the person that something is delivered to
The consignee is the person the parcel is being delivered to. 
32459.contraband (密売買(品)、密輸(品)、(戦時)禁制品 )goods that are brought into a country illegally, especially to avoid tax 
The agents found contraband in the trunk of the car. 
32460.cricket (コオロギ )a small brown insect that can jump, and that makes a rough sound by rubbing its wings together 
You could hear the cricket chirping whenever you turned off the lights. 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/03)

2025年01月03日 | Daily Vocabulary
32451.attic (屋根裏、屋根裏部屋 )a space or room just below the roof of a house, often used for storing things 
Put the attic in order. 
324527.bat (バット、打球(番)、こん棒、打者、コウモリ )a small animal like a mouse with wings that flies around at night → fruit bat 
The bat is hanging from the branch. 
32453.calligraphy(能書、能筆、書道、書法 )the art of producing beautiful writing using special pens or brushes, or the writing produced this way
He spent the rest of his life collecting antiques and artwork and writing calligraphy in his smoke-filled room. 
32454.cedar tree(杉)a large evergreen tree with leaves shaped like needles 
There are many cedar trees in this park. 
32455.cheetah (チータ )a member of the cat family that has long legs and black spots on its fur, and can run extremely fast 
The cheetah is the fastest land animal on earth. 

Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/02)

2025年01月02日 | Daily Vocabulary
32446.year after year(毎年毎年、来る年来る年 )every year for many years 
Year after year, I make this same resolution to lose weight..
32447.heart-to-heart(心を通わせた会話)a conversation in which two people say honestly and sincerely what they really feel about something 
I had a heart-to-heart with my mom about my future.
32448.recap(ポイントをまとめたもの)to repeat the main points of something that has just been said
I couldn't watch last night's episode, so I read recap on the website
32449.wrap up(仕上げる、仕上がる)informal to finish a job, meeting etc 
Ms. Sakurada wraps up every class with a joke.
32450.I would like to think that (真相はわからないけど、そうであって欲しい・・・ )
I would like to think that hard work pays off. 

BROKEN TOY? YOU BETTER NOT CRY …クリスマス前に“おもちゃ病院”が活躍

2025年01月01日 | 爺英語

Nobody likes to see a broken toy, especially at Christmas. But help is at hand from a group of generous volunteers across Japan. They're not elves, but they are skilled. This workshop in Tokyo is known as a “toy hospital.” There are others nationwide. And they're especially busy at this time of year. The volunteers breathe new life into gifts from Christmases past. This man in his 70s brought a Santa Claus doll that belonged to his daughter, who died seven years ago.
(Man brings in Santa doll) “She loved it when he moved. This doll is filled with memories of my family.”
Japan's “toy hospitals” have been running for decades. Some gifts just keep on giving.

 ◆elf 小人  


Daily Vocabulary(2025/01/01)

2025年01月01日 | Daily Vocabulary
32441.brochre(小冊子、パンフレットa thin book giving information or advertising something 
I want to go on the Tottori tour we saw in that brochure.
32442.reserve a table(レストランの予約)×reserve restaurant
I hope we can reserve a table for tonight
32443.baggage(手荷物、重荷)especially American English the cases, bags, boxes etc carried by someone who is travelling 類義語 luggage
Is there an extra fee for overweight baggage?
32444.side by side(並んで)next to each other/ if people work side by side, they work together to achieve something 
My son and his friend looked cute sleeping side by side.
32445.word for word(文字どおりに、一語一語)in exactly the same words 
I know this comedy routine word for word.