今日のGetUpEnglishは、このThe New York Timesの試合終了直後の記事を紹介します。
○Practical Example
"It's Over A last free kick for Lionel Messi, and it’s way, way over the bar. And Germany have won the World Cup! It’s the team’s fourth World Cup, though the first three of those technically went to West Germany. The Germans also become the first European team to win in the Western Hemisphere."
「試合終了! メッシのフリーキックは、ゴールの枠を大きく外れた! そしてドイツのワールド・カップ優勝決定! 4度目の優勝(うち3回は西ドイツとして優勝)。ヨーロッパのチームが初めて西半球で優勝」
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"It’s been a super Cup, with great goals, a lot of action and weeks of drama. Thanks for joining us for all the games. The countdown to Russia 2018 begins now."