ウクライナのゼレンスキー大統領を迎え、広島市で開催されている「主要7ヵ国首脳会議」(G7サミット)最終日である今日(5/21)の「田中利典師曰く」では、「白光真宏会・富士聖地 SOPP 平和の祈りに参加!!」(師のブログ2011.5.24付)を紹介する。
白光真宏会(びゃっこうしんこうかい)は富士宮市に本拠を置く宗教団体で、祈りによる世界平和を提唱している。よくお寺や神社の境内で「世界人類が平和でありますように May Peace Prevail on Earth」というポール(ピースポール)を見かけるが、あれもこの団体の活動の一環である。
利典師はSOPPに登壇、「修験道 平和の祈りのメッセージ」を披露された。なおSOPPは「Symphony of Peace Players〜世界平和交響曲宗教・宗派を超えて共に世界の平和を祈る~」というイベントで毎年1回、富士山が望める場所で開催されている。2011年のSOPPは、
そして、地球上の山川草木、さらには大宇宙のありとしある全存在とともに、宗教、人種、歴史、文化の違いを超え、すべての人間に、森羅万象の一切に、「地球平穏・世界平和」への祈りを捧げ続けることを宣言します。 金峯山寺 田中利典
追伸 帰りの新幹線で、静岡駅財布置き去り事件を起こしたが、無事、届けられることになった。とても大きな御利益をいただいた気がする。(^^;)
“Prayer for World Peace to the Buddha and Deities We Believe in”
We human beings are inhabitants on this Earth.
On Earth, and in all creation, we human beings are neither above nor below other beings. All beings and all lives exist equally in this world.
However, we human beings have forgotten this truth, mistakenly thinking that life is only about fulfilling our desires. As a result, we have turned our backs on the world of nature.
We gain wealth and abundance by looking down on and doing harm to beings whose lives are equally precious.
We discriminate against people based on their religion, race, history, culture, and other trivial matters, leading us to despise, oppress, and humiliate others, and even to kill.
As a result, we have brought about ceaseless environmental destruction and repeated acts of terror and war. These seeds of destruction that we have sown will continue into future generations, so that we are taking the future away from our children and grandchildren.
In the UNESCO Constitution, it is written: “…since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed.” This is indeed the truth. The cause of war is not in some great invisible force, but in the heart of each individual.
Furthermore, in the UN World Charter for Nature, it is written: “Mankind is a part of Nature”.
Unless we can humbly examine our deep connection with nature, we will be unable to set our crooked minds straight.
In Shugendô, ascetic training takes place in the mountains and fields, with prayers to Buddha, the Deities, and the world of nature. Our aim is to guard against the mistakes and wrongdoings which lodge themselves in our minds, to purify ourselves through physical and spiritual ascetic practices, and thus to be born anew.
By contacting with the spirits of great nature, Shugendô has helped to cultivate respect and appreciation for mountains, trees, all life and everything in creation.
Shakyamuni Buddha left us this message: “May all living things be happy.”
Consideration for one another without regard for the past; forgiveness without blame.
This spirit—the way human beings should be—is summed up in the Japanese character jo (恕), meaning ‘tolerance and forgiveness.’
On the occasion of the 7th annual Symphony of Peace Prayers, we of the Shugend – a faith, which is unique to Japan, send the spirit of Jo out to the world and to the future.
We continue to offer prayers for ‘Peace on Earth and Peace in the World,’ with respect and gratitude for all human beings—transcending all differences of religion, race, history, and culture—for mountains, rivers, grasses, trees, and all of nature, and for the entire universe and everything in creation.
白光真宏会(びゃっこうしんこうかい)は富士宮市に本拠を置く宗教団体で、祈りによる世界平和を提唱している。よくお寺や神社の境内で「世界人類が平和でありますように May Peace Prevail on Earth」というポール(ピースポール)を見かけるが、あれもこの団体の活動の一環である。
利典師はSOPPに登壇、「修験道 平和の祈りのメッセージ」を披露された。なおSOPPは「Symphony of Peace Players〜世界平和交響曲宗教・宗派を超えて共に世界の平和を祈る~」というイベントで毎年1回、富士山が望める場所で開催されている。2011年のSOPPは、
そして、地球上の山川草木、さらには大宇宙のありとしある全存在とともに、宗教、人種、歴史、文化の違いを超え、すべての人間に、森羅万象の一切に、「地球平穏・世界平和」への祈りを捧げ続けることを宣言します。 金峯山寺 田中利典
追伸 帰りの新幹線で、静岡駅財布置き去り事件を起こしたが、無事、届けられることになった。とても大きな御利益をいただいた気がする。(^^;)
“Prayer for World Peace to the Buddha and Deities We Believe in”
We human beings are inhabitants on this Earth.
On Earth, and in all creation, we human beings are neither above nor below other beings. All beings and all lives exist equally in this world.
However, we human beings have forgotten this truth, mistakenly thinking that life is only about fulfilling our desires. As a result, we have turned our backs on the world of nature.
We gain wealth and abundance by looking down on and doing harm to beings whose lives are equally precious.
We discriminate against people based on their religion, race, history, culture, and other trivial matters, leading us to despise, oppress, and humiliate others, and even to kill.
As a result, we have brought about ceaseless environmental destruction and repeated acts of terror and war. These seeds of destruction that we have sown will continue into future generations, so that we are taking the future away from our children and grandchildren.
In the UNESCO Constitution, it is written: “…since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed.” This is indeed the truth. The cause of war is not in some great invisible force, but in the heart of each individual.
Furthermore, in the UN World Charter for Nature, it is written: “Mankind is a part of Nature”.
Unless we can humbly examine our deep connection with nature, we will be unable to set our crooked minds straight.
In Shugendô, ascetic training takes place in the mountains and fields, with prayers to Buddha, the Deities, and the world of nature. Our aim is to guard against the mistakes and wrongdoings which lodge themselves in our minds, to purify ourselves through physical and spiritual ascetic practices, and thus to be born anew.
By contacting with the spirits of great nature, Shugendô has helped to cultivate respect and appreciation for mountains, trees, all life and everything in creation.
Shakyamuni Buddha left us this message: “May all living things be happy.”
Consideration for one another without regard for the past; forgiveness without blame.
This spirit—the way human beings should be—is summed up in the Japanese character jo (恕), meaning ‘tolerance and forgiveness.’
On the occasion of the 7th annual Symphony of Peace Prayers, we of the Shugend – a faith, which is unique to Japan, send the spirit of Jo out to the world and to the future.
We continue to offer prayers for ‘Peace on Earth and Peace in the World,’ with respect and gratitude for all human beings—transcending all differences of religion, race, history, and culture—for mountains, rivers, grasses, trees, and all of nature, and for the entire universe and everything in creation.