

Daily Vocabulary(2007/02/24)

2007年02月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
3551.entitled to(~する資格がある)
Now that you are an 'executive' you are entitled to use the club.
3552.flop down(ばたりと倒れる、ぺたんと座る、ごろりと横になる )
Susie flopped down on her boss'couch to wait for the company nurse.
3553.of choice(一般に好まれる、えり抜きの、最適な)
Natural gas is the fuel of choice for many consumers because it is relatively clean burning and, until recently, inexpensive.
3554.pick up the slack(ピンと張る、たるみを取る、たるみを引き締める、活を入れる、刷新する、足りない部分を補う、補強する)
She took picked up the slack with the kids at home when he was always working too hard.
He's the most persuasive sales rep.
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