Saturday Night Fever(サタデー・ナイト・フィーバー)-John Travolta
14241.stand out from(~抜きんでる、~よりずっと優れている、目立つ)
I would recommend trying to stand out from other interns by doing things like working later than everyone else.
One tip for interns that came up at the dinner I attend was to find an office role model.
14243.get the most out of(~を最大限に生かす)
What should they do to make sure they get the most out of them?
14244.compatible with(~と両立できる、~に適合した、~に合った)
We want hire students who bring interests and skills to the workplace that are compatible with the job a lot of emphasis on(~を大いに重視・強調する)
We place a lot of emphasis on teaching, mentoring and helping young people.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I would recommend trying to stand out from other interns by doing things like working later than everyone else.
One tip for interns that came up at the dinner I attend was to find an office role model.
14243.get the most out of(~を最大限に生かす)
What should they do to make sure they get the most out of them?
14244.compatible with(~と両立できる、~に適合した、~に合った)
We want hire students who bring interests and skills to the workplace that are compatible with the job a lot of emphasis on(~を大いに重視・強調する)
We place a lot of emphasis on teaching, mentoring and helping young people.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News