

TOP RISKS FOR 2015「ことしの世界10大リスク 」

2015年03月05日 | 爺英語

Analysts from a U.S. consulting firm have listed this year's 10 biggest risks for the international community. They say topping the list is the politics of Europe. They say as a new year begins, political conflict among the world's great powers is in play more than at any time since the end of the Cold War.
Analysts with Eurasia Group released "Top Risks 2015." The report says Euro-skeptic political groups are gaining power in Europe and that friction among EU states is worsening.
It also claims the external political environment is more challenging. It cites the Russian crisis and terrorist threats from Islamic militants.
The analysts name Russia as the second largest risk. They point out that the country's economy is weakening due to Western sanctions over the Ukraine crisis and dropping oil prices.
The third is the slowdown in China's economy. The report points out this affects the economies of Brazil and other resource-rich countries that rely on exports to China.

in play       活発な状態で
Euro-skeptic    欧州統合に懐疑的な
cite         挙げる、例証する
militant      過激派
sanction      (通常は複数形で)制裁
resource-rich     資源豊かな   

Daily Vocabulary(2015/03/05)

2015年03月05日 | Daily Vocabulary
16031.I'm here for you(あなたの相談に乗ります、力になります)
I'm here for you.
16032.I hear you(わかるわ)
I hear you.
16033.get a text from(~~携帯メールが来る)
I justgot a text from Susie.
16034.not make sense(筋が通らない)
That does not make sense.
16035.be no fun(長閑な、牧歌的な)
Sorry I am no fun.
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