


2015年03月26日 | 爺英語

Britain's Prince William was in northeastern Japan over the weekend. He visited the city of Ishinomaki in Miyagi Prefecture on Sunday.
The prince toured the museum of the local daily newspaper, the Ishinomaki Hibi Shimbun.

(Prince William)
"Tell me a bit about what the day was like when the tsunami came."

Reporters at the paper continued their work after the quake, using pens as a blackout shut down their printing presses.

(Hiroyuki Takeuchi / Ishinomaki Hibi Shimbun Museum)
"He kindly went to the trouble of coming to the devastated area. I'm sure his visit will give our recovery efforts a big boost."

The prince also visited a park on a hill with a view of the area struck by the tsunami. He offered flowers in memory of victims. Local children presented him with paper cranes made by evacuees still living in temporary housing. The cranes symbolize hope.

toured   見て回る、見学する
blackout  停電
devastated   荒廃した
boost      後押し、励まし
in memory of     ~を追悼して
evacuee      避難した人
temporary housing    仮設住宅

Daily Vocabulary(2015/03/26)

2015年03月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
16136.feel overwhelmed with(~忙殺される)
I'm feeling overwhelmed with hpousework.
16137.lower one's standards(手を抜く、レベルを下げる)
You need to lower your standards.
16138.on the double(急いで)
Doesn't matter! Gather around-- on the double.
16139.Let's hop to it, and(急いで~に取りかかろう)
Let's hop to it, and clean the beach.
The family is a little dysfunctional.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
