


2015年04月02日 | 爺英語

A non-governmental organization dedicated to fighting poverty says the wealthiest one percent could own more than the rest of the world's population by next year.
Oxfam International released the report on Monday and called for action to stop inequality from growing.
Researchers say the richest one percent have seen their share of global wealth increase from 44 percent in 2009 to 48 percent in 2014. They say it will top 50 percent next year if the current pace continues.
They say members of that group had an average of 2.7 million dollars last year, and they say about 30 percent of the world's 1,645 billionaires are Americans.
Officials with Oxfam released their findings ahead of the annual World Economic Forum meeting that opens on Wednesday in Davos, Switzerland.

dedicate to   ~を専門とする
billionaire  資産10億ドル以上

Daily Vocabulary(2015/04/02)

2015年04月02日 | Daily Vocabulary
16171.pickled vegetables(漬物)
I like pickled vegetables,,.likes pickled cucumbers or carrots.
I prefer al dente spaghetti...because I like the texture.
16173.the rest(残り)
I can't eat the rest, but I have a room for dessert.
16174.for now(取りあえず)
We will have water for now.
16175.appetizer(食欲をそそるもの; (特に)前菜,アペタイザー.)
What appetizer would you like?
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