

LEE KUAN YEW DIES シンガポール建国の父 リー元首相が死去

2015年04月30日 | 爺英語

The man who transformed Singapore from a colonial trading port into a rich and thriving city-state has died. Former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew had been dealing with a number of health issues, including severe pneumonia. He was 91 years old.
Lee became prime minister in 1959 when Singapore earned self-governing status from Britain. The island later joined the Federation of Malaysia and then became independent in 1965.
Over the next quarter century, he turned the small, multiethnic nation into a global economic powerhouse. Lee took advantage of Singapore's location in the heart of Asia to attract business and talent. His government offered incentives to compensate for a lack of natural resources, and it built up industries such as ports, shipping and finance.
But Lee also kept a tight grip on Singapore's democracy. He chipped away at the opposition, and he put TV stations and newspapers under strict government surveillance. Lee stepped down as prime minister in 1990, but he remained in the Cabinet until 2011 and maintained a strong influence on government.

transform  大きく変える、一変させる
city-state  都市国家
pneumonia  肺炎
multiethnic  多民族の
powerhouse  強力な存在
a tight grip on ...  ~への厳しい統制
chip away at  少しずつ弱体化させる
surveillance  監視

Daily Vocabulary(2015/04/30)

2015年04月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
There's no longer such a thing as "off the record" in today's hyper-transparent downtown at 54 West avenue.
Insead they view it as a key revenue-generator for the firm.
16313.stay abreast of(~の状況を常に把握している、~に後れを取らないようにしている)
CEO's have to rely on old-fashioned intuition and analytical skills to stay abreast of technology trends that affect their companies.
16314.come down the pike(現れる、出てくる)
Managers need to anticiapte what's coming down the pike and stay ahead or the high-tech curve
Absolute identity with one's cause is the first and great condition of successful leadership.
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