


2015年04月09日 | 爺英語

Japanese government officials are turning to technology to help control disasters caused by earthquakes. They're looking at circuit breakers that automatically shut down in response to movement, reducing the risk of fire.
Members of an expert panel have been tasked with evaluating the technology. The breakers automatically stop the flow of electricity when they detect strong tremors. The panel has drawn up testing guidelines to determine if the breakers perform correctly. The devices must shut down when there's a strong jolt but keep lights on so people can evacuate.

(Ai Sekizawa / Panel leader)
"Quake-sensitive breakers should be introduced as soon as possible to prevent fires in a massive earthquake, especially in areas with a lot of wooden houses."

A major earthquake struck Kobe, in western Japan, 20 years ago. Government officials estimate that more than 60 percent of the fires that broke out after were caused by electrical appliances.

turn to  ~に関心を向ける、~を頼る
circuit breakers  回路遮断器、ブレーカー
panel  委員会、何らかの判断をする一団
detect  感知する
tremor  揺れ、地震
jolt  急激な揺れ、地震
evacuate  避難する
massive  大規模な
breake out  火事などが)突然起こる
electrical appliances  電気器具、電気製品

Daily Vocabulary(2015/04/09)

2015年04月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
16206.It's now or never(今しかないよ)
It's now or never.
Tom is a super-perfectionist.
16208.outlook on life(人生観)
I have a new outlook on life.
16209.things in one's life(人生の色々なこと)
Things in one's life have improved.
A Japanese chef from a French restarrant in Japan demonstrated how to make dashi soup stock using dried kelp.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
