Japanese firms are showcasing health-related goods and services at an exhibition in Myanmar. The three-day fair organized by the Japan External Trade Organization began in the country's largest city, Yangon.
Close to 90 Japanese companies are featuring their latest healthcare products and services. Many are designed for hospital use, nursing care, personal beauty and sports. Locals crowded into the exhibition on the first day to see demonstrations of blood pressure monitors and other devices.
(Kenji Mizuta / JETRO)
"I hope Japanese companies can help local residents in terms of health and longevity."
The average life span of people in Myanmar is around 65, the shortest in Southeast Asia. Medical care is still developing, but people there are becoming increasingly health-conscious as the economy gathers steam.
◆showcase 展示する、売り込む
◆Japan External Trade Organization 日本貿易振興機構(JETRO)
◆feature 特集する
◆nursing care 介護
◆average life span 平均寿命
◆health-conscious 健康志向の
◆gather steam 勢いづく、弾みがつく