


2015年06月18日 | 爺英語

One of the most powerful men in the world of soccer says he'll step down. FIFA President Sepp Blatter was re-elected just days ago for a fifth term. His announcement comes amid a growing corruption scandal.

(Sepp Blatter / FIFA President)
"My re-election does not seem to be supported by everybody in the world of football."

U.S. authorities indicted 14 individuals, including two FIFA vice presidents, for an alleged multi-million dollar bribe scheme. Blatter denied involvement and said he had no concerns about being investigated.
A British newspaper reported that Swiss prosecutors plan to question him. They want to ask about the allocation of the 2018 and 2022 World Cup finals to Russia and Qatar. U.S. media quote sources as saying Blatter's top aide has been linked to wrongdoing.
Officials say the election to choose a new president will be held in December at the earliest.
corruption  汚職、賄賂の受け取り
indict  起訴する
alleged  申し立てられている
multi-million dollar  巨額の
bribe  賄賂
investigated  捜査する
prosecutor  検察官
aide  側近
wrongdoing  不正行為

Daily Vocabulary(2015/06/18)

2015年06月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
16551.straw sandals(わらじ)
Hundreds of years ago, people walked this same road in straw sandals.
16552.listed as(認定されて)
The forest is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site together with Mount Fuji.
16553.port town(港町)
Ekiri-juku is a port town.
16554.watch dog(番犬)
There are a lot of watch dogs at her house.
16555.whatever happens(何が起ころうと)
Readers always want to know whatever happens.
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