~春の日の花と輝く~ 由紀さおり・安田祥子
16591.regular customer(常連客)
Comments from regular customer are always valuable.
This table explains our wide global distribution network.
16593.bar graph(棒グラフ)
This bar graph shows the increasing number of Mexican restaurant in Japan.
16594.bear with me(我慢する、耐える)
Could you bear with me for a moment.
For example, yakiniku, ehich is grilled meat, or shabusyabu, thinly sliced beef and vegetable in broth.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Comments from regular customer are always valuable.
This table explains our wide global distribution network.
16593.bar graph(棒グラフ)
This bar graph shows the increasing number of Mexican restaurant in Japan.
16594.bear with me(我慢する、耐える)
Could you bear with me for a moment.
For example, yakiniku, ehich is grilled meat, or shabusyabu, thinly sliced beef and vegetable in broth.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News