バッハ ブランデンブルク協奏曲第5番 第一楽章、アレグロ
28616.unattended(付き添いのない、注意をされ(てい)ない、うっちゃらかしの )left alone without anyone in charge
Don't leave your valuables unattended
28617.every other(ひとつおきの)the first, third, fifth etc or the second, fourth, sixth etc
I vacum the living room every other day.
28618.good cause(大義、正当な理由)
If it's for good cause, I'd love to help out.
Don't leave your valuables unattended
28617.every other(ひとつおきの)the first, third, fifth etc or the second, fourth, sixth etc
I vacum the living room every other day.
28618.good cause(大義、正当な理由)
If it's for good cause, I'd love to help out.
28619.philanthropy(慈善活動、博愛)the practice of giving money and help to people who are poor or in trouble
Philanthropy has a big impact on a company's image.
28620.equipment(備品、設備)to be very lazy and spend time doing very little
Where do you order your office equipment from?
28620.equipment(備品、設備)to be very lazy and spend time doing very little
Where do you order your office equipment from?