

Daily Vocabulary(2022/05/27)

2022年05月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
28721.one day (いつか必ず )
I'm going to marry her one day
28722.someday ((漠然とした)いつか )at an unknown time in the future, especially a long time in the future
Someday I want to travel the world. 
28723.off the top of one's head (パッと頭に浮かんだ思い付きのもの )
Off the top of your head, I'd say there were about 300 people at the event last night. 
28724.pop into one's head/mind (パッと頭に思い浮かぶ、7(考えなどが)ひらめく )
The key is to not think too much. Just say what pops into your mind. 
28725.a pain in the neck/butt/ass (めんどくさい )to be very lazy and spend time doing very little
Folding laundry is a pain in the butt