

Daily Vocabulary(2022/05/13)

2022年05月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
28651.click(意気投合する) if two people click, they like, understand, and agree with each other
We clicked immediattely, andthree weeks later , we were married.
28652.compatible(相性がいい、気が合ってる)two people that are compatible are able to have a good relationship because they have similar opinions or interests → compatibility
I still haven't found someone I'm compatible with. 
28653.rapport(信頼しあう関係、j心が通いあうこと)friendly agreement and understanding between people → relationship
Doctor RIveira has an excellent rapport with his patients.
28654.go well(うまくいく)
Are things going well at your new job?. 
28655.on a roll(勢いに乗って、絶好調で) to be having a lot of success with what you are trying to do
Katie hasn’t misseda question yet. She's on a rol