

徒然草 第百五十三段

2022年05月24日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2022/05/24)

2022年05月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
28706.hit a plateau (停滞期に入る ) an amount of something that is available to be used
Hitting a plateau means you’re getting closer to your goal. Don’t stop and keep going. 
28707.make an effort (努力をする )
I make an effort to speak English every day. 
28708.look through (目を通す ) to look for something among a pile of papers, in a drawer, in someone’s pockets etc SYN go through
When you get a chance, can you look through my essay? 
28709.worry (解決策のない心配事をしている状況 ) to be anxious or unhappy about someone or something, so that you think about them a lot 
Stop worrying about the things you cannot control.  
28710.concern (心配していることが起こらないように適切な対策を取る )a feeling of worry about something important
I’m concerned about the weather. Let’s come up with a backup plan just in case.