

Daily Vocabulary(2022/05/26)

2022年05月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
28716.I’m sharing (~を共有します )
I’m sharing the notes for today’s meeting. Please let me know if you have trouble accessing the file. 
28717.stuffed (満腹です )completely full, so that you cannot eat any more
You're stuffed already? You barely ate. 
28718.shrink (縮む、つまる、減る、少なくなる )to become smaller, or to make something smaller, through the effects of heat or water/to become or to make something smaller in amount, size, or value OPP grow
I feel like my stomach shrank. I get full easily lately. 
28719.asshole(尻の穴、ばか )taboo someone who you think is stupid and annoying. Do not use this word 
You ruined my favorite dress, you asshole
28720.excuse someone from (〜を免除される )
She excused herself from dinner to take care of an urgent matter.