28731.outgrow(成長して脱する、卒業する ) to no longer do or enjoy something that you used to do, because you have grown older and changed
I think I've outgrown this hobby.
28732.rug(敷物、絨毯)a piece of thick cloth or wool that covers part of a floor, used for warmth or as a decoration → mat, carpet
How about we buy a Persian rugfor the bedrom?
28733.have a talent for(~の才能がある)to use all of something and not have any more left
My mom has a talent for cooking.
I think I've outgrown this hobby.
28732.rug(敷物、絨毯)a piece of thick cloth or wool that covers part of a floor, used for warmth or as a decoration → mat, carpet
How about we buy a Persian rugfor the bedrom?
28733.have a talent for(~の才能がある)to use all of something and not have any more left
My mom has a talent for cooking.
28734.formally learn(きちんと、本格的に学ぶ)officially OPP informally
Have you ever formally learned how to cook?
28735.a hobby of mine(私の趣味の一つ)
I like mountain climbing, but it's just a hobby of mine
28735.a hobby of mine(私の趣味の一つ)
I like mountain climbing, but it's just a hobby of mine