

Daily Vocabulary(2022/05/22)

2022年05月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
28696.Fahrenheit(華氏)a scale of temperature in which water freezes at 32° and boils at 212°
We use Fahlenheit in England.
28697.surgeon(外科医)a doctor who does operations in a hospital
You have what it takes to be a surgeon
28698.15minutes or less(15分以内)to use all of something and not have any more left
It'll only take 15 minutes or less if walk fast.
28699.die-hard(決してあきらめない)to look like or be similar to someone or something 
I'm a die-hard " Vocab Rider" fan. I listen to the show every day. 
28700.foreshadow(あらかじめ示す、予示する )to show or say that something will happen in the future
The cloud foreshadowed a storm.