


2022年06月01日 | 爺英語

U.S. President Joe Biden has attended the annual dinner for the Washington press corps. It was the first presidential appearance at the event in six years.
Biden delivered a humorous speech at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner on Saturday. About 2,500 people were in attendance.
He opened by making light of his lagging approval ratings. He said, “A special thanks to the 42 percent of you who actually applauded.”
Biden also took a dig at his predecessor, Donald Trump.
(Joe Biden / U.S. President)
“This is the first time the president attended this dinner in six years. It's understandable. We had a horrible plague, followed by two years of COVID.”
The incumbent president usually attends the dinner. But former President Trump had an especially frosty relationship with much of the media and chose not to go.

 make light of~について冗談を言う、(重要なことを)重要でないように扱う 
 lagging   低迷している、停滞している 
 take a dig at   ~について嫌味や皮肉を言う、毒舌を吐く 
 ◆ plague疫病 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/06/01)

2022年06月01日 | Daily Vocabulary
28746.shaved head (丸坊主) an amount of something that is available to be used
Tim has a shaved head
28747.buy into (~に賛成する / ~を受け入れる )to accept that an idea is right and allow it to influence you
I don't buy into that. YouTube is still on the rise and it's going to continue to get even bigger.  
28748.This is the best price we can offer.  (この価格が精一杯です )the lowest price a buyer can obtain something for or the highest price a seller can sell something for 
28749.grow up together (幼なじみ )
I grew up with this guy. I know everything about him. 
28750.childhood friend (幼なじみ )
Lisa is my childhood best friend. We still keep in touch.