斉藤哲夫 『いまのキミはピカピカに光って』 1980年
28786.sunburn ((肌がヒリヒリするまで)日焼けする )red and painful skin that you can get from spending too much time in the sun
Oh my god! You got so sun burned. You are so red!
Oh my god! You got so sun burned. You are so red!
28787.suntan ((いい感じに)日焼けする )brown skin that someone with pale skin gets after they have spent time in the sun SYN tan, → sunburn
You got suntanned! Did you go to the beach or something?
28788.tough it out (我慢しないさい )to use all of something and not have any more left
Tough it out. It’s just a scratch.
You got suntanned! Did you go to the beach or something?
28788.tough it out (我慢しないさい )to use all of something and not have any more left
Tough it out. It’s just a scratch.
28789.That's life (しょうがない )spoken used to say that something is disappointing but you have to accept it
That’s life. You’ll just have to get down here for your snack earlier tomorrow.
28790.Hold it / Wait (我慢しなさい )to be very lazy and spend time doing very little
What? That’s why I told you to go earlier. Well, you’re going to have to hold it until we get to the next train station.
28790.Hold it / Wait (我慢しなさい )to be very lazy and spend time doing very little
What? That’s why I told you to go earlier. Well, you’re going to have to hold it until we get to the next train station.