Clouds (24-Bit Mastering)
28771.get in someone’s face (人の気に障ることを言う ) spoken informal if someone gets in your face, they really annoy you
An angry customer got in my face today and started yelling at me.
28772.foul(悪臭のある、むかつくような、不潔な、汚い、よごれた、濁って汚い、腐った、腐敗した、悪い、しけ模様の )in a very bad temper and likely to get angry
What's wrong? Why are you in such a foul mood?
28773.yell (叫び声をあげる、大声で叫ぶ、大声をあげる、(…に)大声をあげる、どなる、(…に)エールを送る )to shout or say something very loudly, especially because you are frightened, angry, or excited
One of my coworkers got in my face and started yelling at me in front of everyone.
An angry customer got in my face today and started yelling at me.
28772.foul(悪臭のある、むかつくような、不潔な、汚い、よごれた、濁って汚い、腐った、腐敗した、悪い、しけ模様の )in a very bad temper and likely to get angry
What's wrong? Why are you in such a foul mood?
28773.yell (叫び声をあげる、大声で叫ぶ、大声をあげる、(…に)大声をあげる、どなる、(…に)エールを送る )to shout or say something very loudly, especially because you are frightened, angry, or excited
One of my coworkers got in my face and started yelling at me in front of everyone.
28774.come to mind (思い浮かぶ ) if something comes or springs to mind, you suddenly or immediately think of it
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Japanese food?
28775.hype (誇大に宣伝する、話題となっている )attempts to make people think something is good or important by talking about it a lot on television, the radio etc – used to show disapproval → exaggeration
I loved it. It definitely lived up to the hype. I binge-watched the entire season.
28775.hype (誇大に宣伝する、話題となっている )attempts to make people think something is good or important by talking about it a lot on television, the radio etc – used to show disapproval → exaggeration
I loved it. It definitely lived up to the hype. I binge-watched the entire season.