

Daily Vocabulary(2022/06/02)

2022年06月02日 | Daily Vocabulary
28751.violate(侵害する、違反する)to do something that makes someone feel that they have been attacked or have suffered a great loss of respect
There is no excuse for violating children's human rights
28752.term(一定の期間)a fixed period of time during which someone does something or something happens
Roosevelt died during his forth terms as president. 
28753.session(特に集団でする一定期間の活動 ) a period of time used for a particular activity, especially by a group of people
I thin we need an all-night study session before test.
28754.period(期間、(歴史上ある特色をもつ)時代、時期、(発達過程の)段階 )a particular length of time with a beginning and an end 
They adopted the system for a trial period (=time in which something is tested to see if it works well).  
28755.duration(持続(期)、存続(期間) )the length of time that something continues
This road will be closed for the duration of the festival