

Daily Vocabulary(2022/06/27)

2022年06月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
28876.un‧kempt (手入れされていない ) unkempt hair or plants have not been cut and kept neat
This garden is unkempt and overgrown. 
28877.not detail-oriented (大雑把な)
I know. I'm not detail-oriented. . 
28878.laid back (使おおらか / のんびり )relaxed and seeming not to be worried about anything OPP uptight
He's a little too laid back 
28879.hands down (間違いない / 断然 )easily 
This is hands down the best sushi restaurant. 
28880.sloppy(だらしない、汚い)sloppy clothes are loose-fitting, untidy, or dirty
Out of house, I wear nice cloths---but at home, I'm sloppy