28836.dirt cheap (すごく安い )extremely cheap or cheaply
Yeah I had a blast! The food was amazing and everything was dirt cheap!
28837.next to nothing (ただ同然)very little
I bought this watch for next to nothing.
28838.wreck (壊れている、参っている) to completely spoil something so that it cannot continue in a successful way SYN ruin
Tom was wrecked last night. He was slurring and stumbling all over the place.
Yeah I had a blast! The food was amazing and everything was dirt cheap!
28837.next to nothing (ただ同然)very little
I bought this watch for next to nothing.
28838.wreck (壊れている、参っている) to completely spoil something so that it cannot continue in a successful way SYN ruin
Tom was wrecked last night. He was slurring and stumbling all over the place.
28839.at the drop of a hat. (すぐに )immediately and without pausing to think about what you are going to do
If I had the opportunity to live abroad, I’d quit my job at the drop of a hat and go.
28840.comforting (気分が安らぐ )making you feel less worried, unhappy, or upset SYN reassuring
Thank you for your comforting words.
Thank you for your comforting words.