

Daily Vocabulary(2022/06/23)

2022年06月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
28856.set a  record (記録を樹立する ) to achieve the best result in a sport, competition etc that has ever been achieved, by running fastest, jumping highest etc
Rikako Ikee set a Japanese record in the 100 meter butterfly. 
28857.all over (あちこち)
Not just Tokyo. All over Japan. That's why I'm always away on business trips. 
28858.Let's say (例えば〜としましょう )to use all of something and not have any more left
 Let's say it rains on Saturday. Do you have a backup plan? 
28859.extra plate(取り皿)
May I have a extra plate?
28860.instead of(かわりに)used to say what is not used, does not happen etc, when something else is used, happens etc
 May I have a salada instead of french fries?