


2022年06月08日 | 爺英語

Many Russians were amazed more than three decades ago to see a symbol of American capitalism go up in Moscow.
But now, the Golden Arches of McDonald's are coming down.
The invasion prompted executives to shut down their restaurants across the country temporarily.
But they say it's impossible to ignore the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.
Now, they plan to sell all of their 850 restaurants to a local buyer. Those outlets will no longer be able to use the McDonald's name, logo, or branding.
The opening of a McDonald's signaled a thawing of Cold War tensions. A year later, the Soviet Union collapsed, making way for more businesses from the West.
Now the company employs more than 60,000 people nationwide. Executives say they'll ensure those workers will be paid until they sell their business.
They say, to leave, they'll have to write off more than a billion dollars.

 write off 清算する、帳消しにする、価値のないものとみなす 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/06/08)

2022年06月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
28781.get carried away (調子に乗る・我を忘れる )to be so excited, angry, interested etc that you are no longer really in control of what you do or say, or you forget everything else
He gets carried away when he talks about his business. 
28782.go overboard (調子に乗って〜をやり過ぎる )a list of all the things in a place/American English all the goods in a shop SYN stock
I know you're excited about the party but don't go overboard
28783.go past one's stop/station (乗り過ごす)
I think we went past our stop
28784.miss one's stop/station (乗り過ごす)
I'm sorry I'm going to be 10 minutes late. I missed my stop.
28785.In retrospect / Looking back ((過去のことを)思い返してみると/今になって思えば )thinking back to a time in the past, especially with the advantage of knowing more now than you did then
In retrospect, I should've studied harder in high school.