

Daily Vocabulary(2022/06/12)

2022年06月12日 | Daily Vocabulary
28801.gosh (うわっ ) used to express surprise
Oh my gosh! It's so hot today! 
28802.in the same boat (同じ立場にいる )to be in the same difficult situation that someone else is in
We're in the same boat. I'm struggling with the same thing. 
28803.Who knows? (ひょっとしたら / 誰にもわからないよ )used to say that you do not know the answer to a question
Why don't you try online dating? Who knows? You might find a good match. 
28804.fun-loving (遊び心がある )thinking that peace, having fun etc is very important 
She’s charming, fun-loving, and has a great sense of humor. 
28805.at all times (いつも )always – used especially in official rules and statements
Make sure you keep an eye on your luggage at all times