

Daily Vocabulary(2022/10/09)

2022年10月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
29396.What's in it for me? (それって私に何の得があるでしょうか )
I can introduce you to a good publisher. What’s in it for me?
29397.cook for myself ( 自炊する)
I eat out occasionally, I always cook for myself.. 
29398.for a rainy days(まさかの時のために )feeling or showing a lot of interest and excitement about something
Do you have a piggy bank?Why don’t you put aside money for a rainy days?
29399.goodby party (お別れ会  )
My boss gave me afternoon off to preparing for Helen's goodbye party.
29400.junk mail (迷惑メール)letters, especially advertisements, that are sent by organizations to large numbers of people – used to show disapproval → spam
Would you check your junk mail folder ?