

Daily Vocabulary(2022/10/13)

2022年10月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
29416.crossing (踏切)a place where two lines, roads, tracks etc cross
We had to wait at the crossing  for five minutes. 
29417.movement (運動)a group of people who share the same ideas or beliefs and who work together to achieve a particular aim
Martin Luther King Jr was a key leader of the civil s lights movement
29418.adovacate(公に主張する、擁護する )to publicly support a particular way of doing something 
The movement advocates a return to nature
29419.inside out (裏返し)with the usual outside parts on the inside
I had no idea my socks were on inside out
29420.vice versa (逆に、逆もまた然り)used to say that the opposite of a situation you have just described is also true
She thinks he's wrong and vice versa