

Daily Vocabulary(2022/10/24)

2022年10月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
29466.l couldn't agree more (これ以上同意できない、つまり裏を返すと大賛成 )
I couldn’t agree more. In the end, you have to follow your heart 
29467.last  (一定期間続く )
All good things come to an end. Nothing lasts forever. 
29468.wait around (ブラブラしながら待つ )
I waited around all day for the plumber to come but he never showed up. 
29469.chill out  (落ち着く ) (also chill out) informal to relax completely instead of feeling angry, tired, or nervous
I'm probably just going to chill out at home 
29470.freak out  to become very anxious, upset, or afraid, or make someone very anxious, upset, or afraid
My mother freaked out when she heard that I failed the test.